Chapter Thirty Seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

Joey was home for a week and on modified assignment for another two before being released for duty. The experience didn't seem to have much of an effect on him, he went back to work as gung ho as ever to go back in the RMP with Annie by his side. Joey had not forgotten his ill-fated declaration of love, but decided with Jamie's guidance to let it go and focus on a friendship and partnership that worked.

Privately, Jamie continued to contemplate returning to work for more than just a short time after he was cleared medically. The hostage crisis and press conference had wet his appetite to be back in his big leather chair at 1 PP, but first he had to show his wife and his family he was ready to be out of his wheelchair.

Exactly one month after Joey's heroic efforts at Markman's jewelry store and one month and nine days before Lila's wedding Jamie decided it was time to show Eddie what he, Joey, and Frank had been working on so diligently and privately the last few months.

Eddie woke up and reached out for Jamie. It had been their routine for over nine months that she would wake him, help him use the toilet, get ready for the day, and get into his chair. This morning, she woke to the smell of coffee, bacon, and French toast, a cool, empty bed and abandoned wheelchair.

"Jamie!" Eddie called out with marked anxiety in her voice. "Jamie! Joey!"

Eddie pulled on her robe and rushed to the kitchen. Perhaps something horrible...She gasped and covered her mouth with both hands when she saw Jamie, standing with a pair of forearm crutches, working on a simple but favorite breakfast. "Jamie! Oh my God! You...Lila! Frank!" Eddie hurried to her husband. "How are you...?"

Jamie turned to Eddie with a 1000 watt smile on his face, "Joey and I have been working on it for almost three months now. Dad too...those extra-long walks..." Jamie looked deep into Eddie's eyes. She had tears running down her cheeks as she put her arms around her husband giving him a full and proper hug for the first time in a very long time. She fit perfectly in his arms, her head on his chest just above the knot of his robe. "Oh Jamie..." She stroked his face as they both cried happy tears.

"I promised you I'd come back to you, baby," Jamie whispered in her ear. "Check it out." Jamie stepped back from Eddie and did a full lap around the kitchen leaning on the crutches but taking full, complete steps. Eddie's hands again flew to her mouth as she quietly cried for joy.

Lila had been in the shower when her mother called out for her. She headed downstairs and into the kitchen as fast as she was able. She gasped in shock and delight when she saw Jamie making his lap around the kitchen table. "Daddy! You're walking!" she squealed and rushed at her father throwing her arms around his middle nearly knocking him over.

"I told you I would, Kitten," Jamie laughed hugging her tight. Joey chose that moment to make his presence known.

Eddie heard his laughter and turned to see him smiling ear to ear, "You look so much like your father when you smile that way," she replied. "I can't believe you knew about this...." Eddie turned around and heard Frank chuckling. "You knew about this too?"

"I caught them a few days in," Frank admitted. "Jamie just needed a different style of therapy. Joey got him up and around pretty quickly.

Lila was still clinging to her father, "Daddy, does this mean that you can walk me down the aisle?"

Jamie smiled down at her, "That is exactly what it means, Kitten and dance with you and your Mom, though I still have two left feet."

Eddie laughed, "You've been on your feet a little while now, maybe you need to sit down and I'll finish..."

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