Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two

Jamie woke up with Eddie in his arms. She was still sleeping peacefully with her head on his shoulder. Jamie dropped a kiss on her head, "Hey, Eddie," he whispered to wake her up. "Sweetie, it's time to get up, I have Dr. O'Shea in an hour."

Eddie stirred and sighed, "Reschedule, I'm happy here like this. You're so warm."

Jamie laughed, he's always been a very warm person physically. His body put out a tremendous amount of heat. "I know, sweetheart and we can come right back to the bed after the appointment, which is what I would prefer." Jamie smiled. "Last night was amazing. You are just as beautiful today as you were the day I saw you outside the 12th. Your hair is shorter, a little greyer, your figure is a little fuller, but none of that matters. I hope last night helped you see that, I don't like seeing you like you've been the last day or so, so upset and down on yourself."

Eddie sighed, "I'll be okay. I've gotten into little funks like this before. I don't think I've ever felt more down than after Danny pulled off that bathroom rescue when I was sick, but we go through that." Eddie leaned on her elbow and stroked Jamie's cheek. "You got me through that, you'll get me through this too. We're a team..." She leaned down and kissed him. "Can you get into your chair? I'll get the shower started. We can share."

Jamie's eyes sparkled. He'd missed the deep connection that came from their love making. He felt more confident and complete today than he had since his stroke. Even taking better and steadier steps with Joey that last week hadn't made him feel like this.

They took a quick shower and even though Jamie wasn't supposed to eat in the car, this morning he had a banana as they hurried to his neurologist appointment.

That appointment was just one of the things on Joey's mind as he and Anna came off an extended midnight tour. She noticed he'd been very quiet again that night but instead of letting it fester, she pushed, "Okay, out with it Reagan. You haven't said more than six words the entire tour. Everything okay?"

"Yeah, everything is fine, just thinking about a lot of stuff. My dad and I are talking a lot more and some of the stories he's telling me, it's making me think about things, that's all."

Annie smiled, "I'm glad you two are making up, that's huge." She patted his leg with her hand "I know how much it hurt to be at odds with him."

"It did but we're really working stuff out. My mom is having a hard time with her arm but I think my dad is the best medicine for her, just like...just like you have been for me going through all this stuff with them the past six months. You've been my rock, Annie."

Annie's eyes misted over at Joey's kind words. They separated for a few minutes then met up again in the hallway for an unspoken breakfast. They both knew they needed to have a talk. Jamie had really gotten through to Joey, he planned to tell Annie how he felt about her and suggest they explore a more meaningful relationship. He hoped she felt the same way, he was almost certain that she did.

They went to Archie's, a staple for all the officers in their precinct, but 11am was an off hour so they had the place pretty much to themselves. They ordered coffee and juice, Annie ordered an omelet but Joey just stared at the menu, not speaking.

"Joe, we came here to eat and you aren't ordering. You said you wanted to talk but you're not talking. Are you angry at me again? Did I do or say something wrong?" Annie was nervous, Joey even angry didn't act quite like this.

"No, Annie, God no, it's nothing like that. I'm just..." Joey took a deep breath and reached across the table to take her hand into his own. "Annie, you know my parents were partners on the job before they got married. They were in the car every day, their lives on the line, they were each other's best friend just like you and me. In all these talks I'm having with my dad about things, he's told me about how he felt with my mom and...Annie I realized everything he said to me about it, every feeling he described, I have the same ones. I feel just the same way..."

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