Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

Eddie was still at Jamie's bedside when the sun came up the next morning. She had been sitting there for a full 12 hours now. Lila had come and gone twice already, once to bring Frank to his son and once to take him back home. Joey had been there for a few hours only before going out on his tour. Danny and Linda has come and gone as well. The only person missing was Erin, she was out of town giving a lecture at a conference, but was on her way to her little brother's side.

Eddie was starting to doze off, her hand glued to Jamie's right hand. She knew he's be able to feel her touch, even if the stroke had rendered his entire left side paralyzed. Sean hoped from the films and the quick medical intervention he would only have partial damage. "Jamie please," she whispered softly. "Open your eyes. Just for a minute. I know how tired you must feel but please Jamie, open your eyes." She kissed his hand, it was warm but far too limp for her liking.

He didn't respond, just laid there. Sean had told her there was a chance, however small, the damage was more severe and that he would just lie there in bed until...No, he was too young. They had too much to do.

The hospital room door opened and Joey stepped inside. "Any change?" he asked his mother. She had to be exhausted, but here she was keeping vigil.

Eddie just shook her head, "No, he's still not waking up, Joey. I keep asking him to but..."

"He'll wake up when he's ready, Mom, he has to rest and heal," Joey replied trying to be a comfort to his mother. Things had been strained with both of his parents, his mother taking his father's side in their argument when she usually took up for him.

"We don't know how bad the damage is until he wakes up," Eddie replied. "Jamie...honey, Joey's here to see you. Will you wake up for our son Jamie?"

Joey held in a scoff, his father do something for him, yeah right, but now was not the time for such bitterness.

Joey took Eddie by the shoulders and started to pull her, "I think it's time you went home. I have the car out front. You can come back in a couple of hours."

"I am not leaving him," Eddie said firmly. "He didn't leave me except to work or take care of you kids when I was the one in the hospital bed. I am not going to let him wake up alone, confused, maybe unable to move or talk. No."

"Mom, you are no good to him if you're exhausted," Joey reasoned. "What good are you going to be to him if you are tired?"

"I can still comfort him, Joey," Eddie replied. "He's going to be frightened. I have to be here."

"No, Mom, you don't. Lila can come back and sit with him, Uncle Danny can sit with him. Sean is off duty soon, he can sit with him and they'll call you to come back. You need to come home and rest. Stress and strain can bring back your cancer, the doctor keeps telling you that, but you don't listen."

"Joseph Patrick!" Eddie barked. "Enough. Do not play the cancer card here. You honestly think I would rest or have less stress and worry at home while your father is lying helpless in that bed? Go home, Joseph. I mean it."

"I'm trying to look out for you, Mom. I think it's what dad would want."

A soft moan from the bed got their attention, Eddie turned to see Jamie looking at her, eyes open wide. "It's all right Jamie. It's all right," Eddie soothed stroking his forehead without breaking her grip on his hand. "Joey, get a doctor."

Jamie felt as if his body was weighed down with bricks. He could recall a few migraines that left him feeling this groggy and detached but not many. The pain seemed to have gone from his head now but taken up residence in the left side of his body. The pressure he felt was tremendous. When he had opened his eyes a moment ago, he expected to see the soft hues of the bedroom, but he did not, nor did he detect the scent of Eddie's vanilla mist. The sight that greeted him was much colder and sterile. In fact, that was exactly how he would describe his surroundings; sterile. Sterile white walls and covers paired with the aroma of pine disinfectant could only mean one thing. This was a hospital. He was in a bed at the hospital. That realization terrified him.

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