Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"This is not going to go over well," Steve sighed as he and Lila rode towards the Reagan home. "Maybe it would be easier if I graduated the police academy."

"I know he is going to be difficult at first," Lila soothed. "That's why I suggested we do it this way. My grandpa will think it is really respectful and we will get him on our side. Between him and my mom, Dad will settle down."

"I really don't understand, Lil," Steven sighed. "I have a god job, I treat you well. Your mother is always kind...Is it really such a crime that I chose to fight fires instead of chasing crooks?"

"No, it isn't that at all. I'm his only daughter and his last baby. My father always wanted to have more children but after I was born they told my parents that my mom shouldn't have more babies. My father always over reacted when it came to my mom and her safely and health. After she got cancer, well then he really didn't think they should have more."

"If there is one thing I admire about your dad, it is how much he loves your mom. If I can make him see I love you that way..."

Lila's eyes opened wide, "You love me like that?"

Steven patted her thigh, "I love you like that, Lil, that's why I want to marry you even if you are from a family of flat foots."

At a red light, Lila paused to kiss him. "I love you like that too. My dad will come around, Mom will make him."

Jamie's detail delivered the rest of the Reagan family to the house. When they arrived Eddie saw the caterers had been there but Erin and Linda had rearranged the house and the flow she set up. "What is this? I had this all set up to go the other way."

"Oh, but this way there's no bottleneck and we can use the den for overflow," Erin replied.

"Jamie needs access to the den and so does your dad if he wants to lie down," Eddie replied. "Too late now. I wish you left well enough alone."

Jamie didn't notice his wife was upset. He was too focused on figuring out what Steven wanted. As soon as Lila and Steve arrived he was ready to pounce. Danny intervened on his niece's behalf. "To one of New York's bravest. Congratulations. Stay safe." He raised his glass and everyone else followed suit. Eddie greeted Steve and his friends by inviting them inside to have drinks. She'd hired a local bartender to serve the group that night. All in all it was a small affair, only thirty people and half of those were Reagans.

Jamie went and stood beside his wife, "Great job as usual honey, but why is my study door opened?"

"Erin and Linda thought the food spread looked better this way," Eddie sighed. "I'm sorry sweetie. I should have stayed home and did this myself."

"It's all right, I'm fine..." Jamie replied and smiled. "Let me have that word with Dad and Steven, then you and I can show those young lovers what it's really like to cuddle at a party."

Eddie blushed, "Yes, Commissioner..." She leaned on his tip toes and kissed him.

Jamie approached Steven, "Let's go have a talk..."

The three men went into Jamie's study and shut the door. Frank sat in the easy chair, Jamie behind his desk, and Steven across from Jamie. The boy was ill at ease and looked like he might get sick.

"Breathe," Jamie said gently taking pity on him. "I'm probably going to say no anyway so there's no reason to get upset. Just talk..."

Steven shifted in his seat, "Uh, Commissioner Reagan...and uh, Commissioner Reagan, I uh...The fire department has a better starting salary than the PD does and..." The look on Jamie's face told Steven that was the wrong way to approach this. "I'm not saying one is better or anything just that a new fireman has a little more in the way of resources than a new cop so...I can give her more. Lila I mean...I can give her more money and more stability. I can help her with her schooling and make sure that she reaches her dreams and..."

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