Chapter Thirty Four

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Chapter Thirty Four

Joey entered Markman's Jewelry with his precious cargo in his pocket. During their work out yesterday, Jamie had slipped him Eddie's rings. "Size them up to an 8. She's gone up about a size and a half since this business with her arm and hand. It's breaking her heart not to be able to wear them. Get a price and I'll write you a check."

Joey quickly agreed to do this favor for his father. It broke his own heart to see how down and depressed his mother had been the last couple of weeks. The day after Jamie made the request he made it his business to stop by the family owned jeweler on his way home from work. Stan was in the back when he entered, the bell above the door signaled his arrival.

Stan Markman was an old man, not quite as old as Frank but he was at least in his eighties. His wife had passed away years ago and as far as Joey knew, he had no children. All the kids that would go into the store became like his family. He came out of the backroom where he still did all of his own repairs and smiled when he saw Joey. "Stan, Joe Reagan. How you doing?"
"Little Joey Reagan, I remember selling your father your communion cross. Don't tell me, you met a special young lady."

"Actually," Joey replied as a female customer entered the store. "I'm here for a special older lady. My Mom injured her hand and can't get her rings on. Can you size them up for me? Size 8. She's been really down about not being able to wear them. My dad wants to have them fixed as a surprise."

Stan took the rings and checked the metal, "I sure can do that. You can pick them up next week."

Joe smiled, "That's good; my Dad will be really pleased. Can I use the bathroom in the back, I got off tour and..."

Stan laughed, "You always had to use my bathroom. Go ahead, but the door sticks."

Joey disappeared as Stan went to help his waiting customer. The back bathroom was smaller than a closet but it served its purpose. This had been the family's go-to store for years. He remembered coming here with Jamie for birthday presents and anniversary gifts for Eddie. Jamie had spoken to him about it when he planned to return Eddie's rings to her finger and it warmed his heart that their relationship was still so special. It made his heart ache for what he wanted but could not have.

The sound of the ringing bell announced the arrival of another customer who was wearing a navy blue hoodie with both his hands in his pockets. Stan looked up from where he was a helping a young woman pick out a pair of earrings for her niece's birthday. "I need to see the diamond rings," the customer demanded.

"Oh yes, the diamond rings, I am just wrapping up this transaction and I will be right with you. If you tell me your price range, I can direct you to a case..."

The man quickly pulled a gun out of his pocket, "I need to see all the diamond rings and no funny business," he moved closer to the female customer and aimed the gun at her, "or I'll kill her."

Joey washed his hands and prepared to leave the bathroom. As he opened the bathroom door he heard a shrill scream followed by the sound of breaking glass. "Reagans don't punch out at end of tour..." he heard his grandfather, father, and uncle say this over and over again over the course of his life and it was true for him as well. Joey grabbed his cell phone and dialed 911, "This is Officer Joseph Reagan, shield number 46808; I have a 10-30 at 4568 Dunston Street. Send units..."

The dispatcher instructed the lone officer to stay hidden but when Joey heard another cry from the frightened woman in the main part of the store, he knew he had to do something. He reached for his off-duty weapon and crept out quietly to get a view of the scene. He saw a male white in a navy blue hoodie holding a gun on Stan and a young lady. Joey took a deep breath and approached hoping to take the gunman by surprise. "Police drop the weapon!" Joey shouted revealing himself with his gun drawn and fixed on the gunman.

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