Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"I'm sorry," Mayor Scott Eldridge said to Jamie as the two men argued over coffee and crullers. "Something has to go, we are 5 million over in the police budge with raises, specialized training and new vehicle maintenance."

"We can cut the vehicle upgrades but some of my cars, I've seen cabs in Newark with better suspension that that," Jamie commented. "My EDP and stress training are not negotiable, neither is first aid or CPR."

"That EDP training is the most expensive program you have," the Mayor replied. "It takes man hours, paying experts..."

"And saves the lives of hundreds of officers and thousands of civilians. Since my father created this program the cost has been..." Jamie began but was cut off.

"Astronomical!" the city manager interrupted.

"I'm not talking about the cost in dollars, I'm talking about the cost in lives!" Jamie snapped. "We have saved lives, gentlemen. This is my job. If I am being successful, if my programs and my officers are being successful, find the money to reward us in kind!"

"We don't have the money, Jamie. We just don't' have it and I am not raising taxes to pay cops or to help crazy people."

"And what are you doing with the taxes we already pay!" Jamie snapped. "I'm a property owner, I know how much I pay. Where is all that going, what I pay in property taxes alone can fund the salary of three rookie beat cops!"

Jamie was showing his classic Reagan temper now. "My men and women are on the line every day, they are in the line of fire, in harm's way. They deserve adequate training and adequate raises!"

"So does fire, so does sanitation..." countered the city manager.

"Next time someone gets mugged, let them call a garbage man!" Jamie snapped. "I will consider your proposal for wage freeze if and only if you leave all my training programs intact. It will cost the city considerably more money in funerals and death benefits if you don't." He pushed the intercom button his desk, "Detective Reagan, what's next? We are finished here."

The Mayor and his team left as Eddie stood in the doorway. As the mayor passed her he whispered, "He has to at least pretend to play ball with the council, you must convince him."

Eddie sighed, "I can't ask him to be less than he is, you shouldn't either, you appointed him for this very reason."

The mayor nodded and headed past Eddie to the elevator.

When Eddie entered Jamie's office he had his head down on his hands, "I know. I heard," she said softly and stood behind him rubbing his shoulders. "It's all right, you'll figure it out."

"Ed, do we have Advil or something in the desk out there? My head is killing me," Jamie sighed. He had a few migraines over the last year but this one was very strong.

"Yeah we do but you look pretty clear the rest of today. Why don't I get you some soup from downstairs and you put your feet up for a little while? You can rest and face the rest of the day better."

"I can't, I need to call in the staff and we need to work this out," Jamie said. "I'll be okay honey, don't worry. Lunch sounds good though, let's grab a bite. Call my DCs and tell them I need them here at 1:30."

Eddie agreed and set up the meeting before she put the phones to voicemail and headed off to lunch with her husband on her arm.

"They have a point regarding the expense as a line item," Eddie pointed out to Jamie. "That was one of your father's biggest fights when he started this program, to balance a near ten million dollar cost against the benefits for a population that was largely swept under the proverbial rug."

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