Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Annie heard the knocking as she packed boxes for her impending move. Joey said he was stopping by after he talked to his parents. She put down the packing tape and opened the door.

"Hey," Annie moved back and went to get Joey a beer. "How did it go? Are they okay?"

Joey nodded, "My dad is okay. I think Mom just didn't get him situated right in his chair, so he looked all slumped and sloppy instead of neat like they are usually seeing him. It was my Mom."

Annie handed him the beer and sat down on her leg. "Did she fall or something?" Eddie Reagan was not old, she was in her late fifties but Joey had always been worried and super protective of her.

"No, she just..." Joey took a sip of his beer. "I think she finally realized what happened. She tried to blame it on an argument with my aunt and believe me my aunt can be over the top when it comes to my Dad, she's older by almost 12 years and was like a mom to him after my grandma died but while she was crying...she many things about the stroke, how she needs him back. She's depressed."

"Joey, your mom is so strong and the love your parents have for each other..." Annie sighed.

"No, I always thought that too, but I think they might be headed for trouble. I heard my dad suggest they sleep apart. The last time they slept apart was when she was sick but it was because he was scared to roll and hurt her. He slept in a chair at her side. Something is seriously wrong."

"They have been through a lot," Annie sighed. "Being partners and having to deny how they felt, that can't be easy but they survived it. You said your mom had a hard time getting pregnant but they survived that and her cancer, they'll be okay. Will you?" Annie noticed how Joey's face had fallen.

"I put my father to bed tonight," Joey confessed. He's not even 60 and I had to pick him up and put him to bed. My mother, not even 57, has an arm the size of some people's legs, she can't put her wedding ring hurts."

"I know it does. I know," Annie sighed and put her arm around Joey's shoulders. "You got my back, I have yours. You need to come here and vent to me, do it. They need you now. Your dad is going to get better, he's going to, it's just a question of when."

Joey smiled at Annie's positive attitude. "It's hard you know. I think if I were his age and my Dad was my grandpa's age it would feel better's weird. I'm not even 25."

"You will be in three months, but I know what you mean. I feel like that too. That I'm much too young to feel this old." Annie sipped her beer and her eyes met Joey's.

She's so pretty, Joey thought to himself as he looked at her. Long dark hair, alabaster skin, bright green eyes. No, he scolded himself. It was wrong. "I get that," Joey replied. "Thanks for listening to me Ann. See you at role?"

Annie nodded. Joey downed the rest of his beer before going home to prepare for a long Saturday afternoon tour.

"Why did you drag Danny all the way out here?" Eddie asked as Jamie diligently worked on velcroing his sneakers. "I could get you in the car just fine."

"Really, until that ring goes back on you are on limited duty, Detective," Jamie ordered lightly but with full meaning.

"Not likely, Jamie. You aren't mobile yet and Lila isn't home when we get up. Your dad, he's 92 so that leaves me. We can't ask Danny to drive out here to lift you. It isn't right!"

"Danny doesn't mind doing it, between him, Sean, Jack, and Joe you can rest until you are feeling better. I know how much that hurts, Eddie. You think I sleep through you tossing and turning all night long?" Jamie leaned over and did his other shoe. "There, now just get the waist band up and I am home free."

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