Chapter Thirty Nine

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Chapter Thirty Nine

"Jamie," Eddie called as he stepped out of the shower. "We're off to the salon to get our hair and make-up done. We'll meet you at the church with Joey and your dad at 2:30. Please rest before you come and please make sure your father does his treatment so he doesn't cough through the ceremony!"

Jamie yelled his affirmation as he toweled himself off. Today was the day his daughter would marry her young man, a smoke eater from the Bronx. He didn't think he would get to this point ten months ago when he laid on the bathroom floor at 1 PP having a nearly catastrophic stroke. Today, he'd walk, actually walk his daughter down the aisle. He spied the crutches in the corner of the room, if only...

"Dad!" Joey called as he arrived at the house to make sure his father and grandfather made it to the church on time. "Dad, you there?"

"I'm here," Jamie called out coming out of the bathroom, the forearm crutches clicking on the floor.

Joey headed into the bedroom, "Hey, I have your tuxedo and grandpa's hanging in the kitchen."

Jamie sat down and sighed, laying the crutches against the bed and leaned over to massage his leg.

"You okay?" Joey asked seeing Jamie's position. "You're hurting?"

"It's been cramping up all night and all morning," Jamie sighed. "Your Mom was too busy to notice thank God or she'd be fussing over me and today is Lila's day. I'm just ticked off I'm still using the crutches and I'm worried about my leg going out on me."

"I have a solution to that, lie down really quick, I'm going to rub that leg like I never have before, and we'll get you nice and loose." Joey took charge of that situation, massaging Jamie's leg for twenty minutes before washing his hands. "Hang tight, I have a gift for you."

Jamie laughed, "For me? It's your sister's wedding," Jamie called after him as he wondered what on earth Joe had been up to this time.

Joey returned with a very stylish, hand carved cane with four feet and rubber grips on the bottoms. "I got this made special for you from a guy that sells wood carvings on my beat. It's like a shillelagh but it's got four legs for balance. You can use it today and probably be sturdier than if you used just the one crutch. I think Lila will like it too."

Jamie smiled ear to ear and used the new cane to get up off the edge of the bed. He took a few wobbly steps before finding his stride. It was the perfect height, the balance in his hand was perfect, and it looked great. "Thank you, Joey. Now, I have to get grandpa moving for his medicine and Heaven help me, you are going to be typing a lot of bow ties today..."

Across town, Lila, Eddie, Linda, Erin, Nikki and Jack's new lady friend, Rita were having their hair done, alongside Lila's small but close knit bridal party. She was only have three bridesmaids in order to help Steve restrict the number of groomsmen. Eddie and Erin had simple styles, each choosing an up do, Erin's much higher than Eddie's given her hair was much longer. "I can't believe we did it," Erin said to Eddie as they sat watching the other women get finished. "And that Jamie is walking her down the aisle. I owe you a really big apology for that."

"No, you don't," Eddie said quickly. "I had no idea he was doing that, even Danny didn't know. He's still a little ticked off about it too, but from all of this, I think the best thing is that you and I called a truce and Joey and Jamie are probably closer now than they ever have been at least since I got sick and things changed between them."

"Is Joe over at your house now?" Linda asked. "Danny and the boys are on their way in case there are any issues."

Eddie gasped, "Can you send one of them to the church to make sure the flowers have all arrived. We can make sure they get to the right place when we get there."

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