Chapter Twenty Five

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Chapter Twenty – Five

Joey laid in wait for Eddie to pull out of the driveway on her way for her treatment. As soon as he saw her leave, he headed inside. "You ready Dad?" he asked. Jamie was dressed and in his wheelchair.

"You bet, I thought, if you want to, we can grab some lunch. My treat for helping me out." Jamie was still so nervous around his son.

"Let's see if you aren't going in the hospital," Joey told him as he got Jamie to the car. He ran back inside to tell Frank they were leaving, "Grandpa, I'm taking Dad to look at new sneakers so Mom doesn't have to do it."

Frank nodded as he read his newspaper. He knew something more was going on with his son, but he chose to pick his battles.

Joey got Jamie to his appointment right on time the doctor called him back within five minutes. Jamie made this appointment with Dr. O'Donnell, his regular physician. The neurologist could do little for a bedsore.

"How are you feeling, Jamie?" Matthew O'Donnell asked him.

"Better, I'm getting stronger but...I have this sore on my left leg now and when I go to the bathroom, it burns and my stomach hurts," Jamie explained embarrassed to admit all of this in front of his son.

"Sounds like you have a pressure sore, I'll take a look. Do you think you can do a urine sample as well? You might have a UTI from holding in urine. It is very common with stroke patients."

It took a few minutes for the doctor to complete his exam and to get the dipstick back. "Just as I suspected, UTI and a pressure sore. It's not very bad actually, but you do have to keep it very clean."

He nodded, "I'll get it done," Jamie assured him.

"You'll need help, you can't keep it clean enough on your own. Also, I'd like you to not use the diapers for a few days until the infection clears up...why are you shaking your head?"

"Eddie's just been to the surgeon for lymphedema, I can't walk. I need help to get into my chair."

"Dad, I can start staying at the house," Joey offered.

"No, that will upset your Mom. She'll think that I am getting worse. We'll think of something. I'll have to talk to your mom. We'll work it out as a team."

Jamie left with his prescriptions and some sample creams for the ulcer. "Okay so where do you want to go? That diner by the drugstore? They have the best banana cream pie."

Jamie nodded, glad to be spending one on one time with his son.

Joey pulled up to the diner and got Jamie inside. The ordered soups, sandwiches, and the famous banana cream pie. "We'll tell Mom the truth when we get home. She will be angry but it was good we got you here to the doctor. You are sick, Dad. You have to get better."

Jamie nodded, "Your sister set a date. September so I have less than a year to get walking. I heard this song on the radio the other day, and I want to hold your mother in my arms and dance with her to it. That seems like a pipe dream. I'm sorry..." Jamie saw Joey wasn't paying attention. "So Mom's pregnant..."

That got Joey's attention, "What?"

Jamie laughed, "I got your attention, did I?"

"Sorry, Dad, I uh.." Joey turned his head again as the soup came and kept looking at the sidewalk pizza place across the street. Jamie turned to see what he was looking at.

Then he saw her, the pretty dark haired girl that Joey had to the house every so often, the girl his money had gone to help. "Your partner? She's dating?"

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