February 14 (Nico)

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I was having fun for once. It was valentine's day and I was tearing down the Cupid decorations. Then who should appear but the fairy king himself. He walks over to the canoe lake. What does he want? I grab my dagger and follow him. He hovers over a canoe. Inside the canoe I can see Jason Grace, Percy Jackson and Will Solace. Cupid flips the canoe. Jason begins to fly lifting Will. Percy just draws riptide.
"What do you want Eros?" Jason growls.
"Will Solace." He replies.
Percy stabs Cupid in the chest.
"What! How did you hit true love most can't see me let alone hit me." Cupid cries.
"You forget I have Annabeth." Percy prepares to stab again.
"Guys... Who are you talking to?" Will asks.
"Oh poor Will." Cupid grabs him. "Doesn't accept himself meaning I am invisible."
"Do you want me to stab you again?" Percy asks.
"This concerns Nico. Tell him where I'll be in the forest." Cupid says. Was it my imagination or did Will just blush.

I walk over to the forest. Cupid made a mockery of me time for some payback.
"Wow I must say you're stronger than your Dad." Cupid torments Will.
I run to Will. "Cupid let him go!"
"Not until he confesses." Cupid replies. Cupid ignores me and continues to hit Will.
"Fine since you don't care for yourself I'll hit your dear Nico." Cupid snorts.
"What are you talking about?" I ask him slicing his leg.
Will bushes and looks away.
"Oh you haven't told him this is too good." Cupid smirks.
Cupid raises his hand to hit me. Will stabs Cupid forcing him to drop Will. Will knocks over Cupid and holds his knife to Cupid's throat.
"Fine I'll talk but it will be on my terms." Will pushes the dagger down slightly causing some Blood to spurt out. Will turns to me."I like you ok."
"Will... I" I'm in utter shock. He likes me... Me Nico?
"I understand if you don't like me back." Will looks down.
"No I like you. I was going to tell you at the campfire." I blush.
"Oh Nico." Will runs forward and hugs me.
"This won't be the last you hear of me!" Cupid yells
Will ignores him and kisses me.

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