Part 3

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After a 3 hour car ride, passing thru jam packed roads, pot holed streets, they arrived at Harris's house. Once they parked the car in the driveway, they unload the things from the trunk. Harris carried his and Owen's bag, unlocked the door and put the bags in the sofa. Following her was Sheila and Owen. They carried the two sacks of bag on their hands and entered their house.

Once in the house, Sheila closed the door and locked it.  Carrying the sacks, they place it infornt of the sofa

"Take out the money" Owen commanded. "We're gonna be soooo rich! We're gonna buy anything we wish. Fly to Bali, shop in Singapore, Paris.."

Sheila and Harris untied the sacks and opened it. Inside it was the stack of money they had get "illegally" and they resort to "brutal ways" to get it. 

Sheila put her hands into her hands into the sack and took out a bundle of money. She stared at it with amazement, pride and wonder. She thought, with this much of money, how many can she get? Thousands. Tens of thousands. And she can have a face lift, get a new car.. anything she wished.

She saw that the cash has breakdown of $100 each. She hand it over the money to Owen, who was tapping his feet unpatiently, waiting for the money. She gived the money to him as she promised.

"Here, as is promised you" She hand over the bundle of cash to Owen.

Owen was startled at the cash. It is assumed that there was $1,000 in this bundle of cash. He got shop anything with this cash. Money controlled his eyes.

He receives the money and stared at the money likes it's his apple of his eye.

Then, his eyes froze.

"S...sheila? Why is this play money, monopoly money" Owen stammered.

Harris, Sheila was taken aback by his claims. "Play money.. what do you mean?"

"This money you give to me.. it's play money" Owen showed the money to her to prove his claims.\

He showed the money to Sheila and hand it back over to her. Sheila analyze it very, very carefully. It was no mistake. It was still play money! Monopoly money! Play money. That lady kept a stack of play money in the cupboard. And they had killed her for assuming that it was real money!

Sheila's heart was beating fast. What if all of this is play money? But she still hoped that there was "real money" in the sack.

Sheila, realizing her mistake but still denying it, begin to fling out all of the money out of the sack. She looked closely at the money she thrown out. It was play money! All of it! Sheila was so foolish that the lady kept real "money" in the cupboard!

"Oh my god. Oh my god. OH MY GOD!" Sheila screamed, already in tears. "Shit shit shit."

"Sheila thought it was real money! Fuck you!" Harris screamed

Owen, disappointed and livid at Sheila's stupidity, lashed out at her. 

"Your stupidty has lead us to take out a human life. How can you be so fucking stupid that a lady keeps like, her "life savings" in her cupboard? She would only saved it in her bank!" 

Sheila didn't response. She was full, full,full of shame. She was standing, with her hands covering her face to hide the tears.

"This is all your fault. You plan this murder, and you offered us cash as a reward. But that money is all pointless because they are all fake! You plan it" Harris lashed out. 

Owen couldn't take his control his rage. He feel that he need to finish this girl off. He was ready to take action. 

Owen then walked to Sheila, and stopped close to her. To be precise, close to her face,


Sheila put down her hands. Her eyes are all wet and her eyes has been redened.

"This is for you"

With that words, Owen delivered a hard, hard slapped into Sheila's cheeks. It was so hard that she fell into the ground. The impact to the floor was even more painful than the slap. She moaned in pain, but at the same time, she pleaded to Owen not to kill her.

"Please, please don't kill me. please."

"No mercy for you, cunt"

Owen then delivered another punch into Sheila's cheek, he punched her two times, causing her to lose several teeth. Then, he punched her in the nose, giving her a bloody nose.

Harris, fearing that the situation will get out of hand, intervened in the situation, saying that fighting will not solve problems, so does violence.

"Hey,hey,HEY GUYS! FIGHTING won't solve problems. It will only lead to another problem! Please, please stop!"

Harris joined the fight to stop the fight. He holds back Owen, but also gets hurt in the process, he then tackled Owen to the ground, subduing him. Owen lied face down in the carpet, while Harris tied his hands in his back.

"Owen, violence will not solve problems. PLEASE. STOP. BEATING THIS WOMAN. I know of a better way" Harris said.

Sheila was recoiling from her injury.

"FUCK YOU OWEN! YOU'R AN ASSHOLE!" Sheila shouted.

Owen was provoked by her claims. But it's the truth. He is denying the truth that he is, indeed an asshole and a dick to women. He is a woman beater and abused his past girlfriends to the point where they couldn't say a single word.

He tried to move to punch Sheila again, but this was prevented by Harris.

"The only way to save ourself is by committing suicide. I have pistols at the back. I'm gonna get it".

Sheila, Owen was taken aback by what Harris will do next. But they all agreed that in their minds that it's better for them to die rather then spending years in hell hole prison cell.

"I prefer this way to die.. it's better than spending some fucking years in a prison cell" Sheila babbled, still recovering from her injury.

Owen just kept quiet. But thru the silence, it can be said that he also agreed with the "murder suicide".

Harris came back and brought 3 guns. "Here" he gives them each. ALL of them are loaded. " By shootin' ourself, we will save our mentality in prison. Ready?" He placed on the gun pointing at his forehead and.., pulled the trigger. With no hesitation.

Sheila shreiked at the sight. This sight, has her calling off her suicide. She regretted the murders and wanted to "come clean". She felt that she deserved a life in prison. Spending all of her life there.

She made a run for the door. Screaming at the blood splattered on the floor, that she was stepping on. 

"Not under my watch bitch" Owen chuckled. He pointed the gun and shot her in the left back, where her heart was located. Twice. The impact lead her to fall to the ground, face down. It was more painful to be shot in the heart, but to Owen, she deserved it. She want to give her maximum pain because of her stupidity.

Sheila moaned in pain as she bled to death. She will face a long, painful death. She will eventually die, but it will take an eternity to die like this. 

 Owen chuckled, and amidst the pain of moaning, he pointed the gun to himself. Laughing and saying nonsensical.

"Hahaha. Goodbye! cruel world! I'll be in a land of unicorns and such things!"

That was his last words.

He pulled the trigger in his forehead. 


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