A breakfast to die for

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Having got the poisoned and have finished lunch, Ika went back to her office where she continued to work until 4 PM. At around 4.pm, she finished work and drive home. The journey took 30 minutes. When her car pulled out of the driveway, she went out, unlocks her house door and change her clothes. She is about to do something, some "pre- planning".

She tooks out a shovel from the garage and in the backyard near the pool, started digging a grave for her to be dead husband. It was quite a struggle, but finally she did it. It was about 3 meters deep, and she covered the grave, and the dug out soil with a huge, black covering. 

And then, something struck her. Remember that her husband got her own car? Well, she's stuck to there. How can she cover up his murder. But Ika quickly shrugged it off, thinking that she will run away to a faraway place. With Logan.

She showered, get dressed and gets ready for the evening. It was around 5.40 when she hears her husband's car pulled by the driveway. 

"Ika, do you want to see a movie this evening?" Thomas offered as he took of his tie.

"What kind of movie, sure' i'd like to watch a movie" Ika replied.

"It's a good movie. Furious 7. You love vin diesel" 

"OMG. I had been wanting to see that movie but i didn't have the chance. Do you have tickets"

Thomas then showed Ika 2 tickets for Furious 7. HD cinema. IMAX. "What's the showtime?" She enquired.

"7.30PM. I'll take a quick shower, have a quick rest, before going. Fine"


Thomas then took a shower, have a quick rest before getting dress. Ika changed to her nice looking dress.

At around 6:30PM they drove to the cinema. The cinema was crowded, but they didn't have to queue has they have bought tickets earlier. Moreover,  Thomas bought the tickets online. So, they just bought the popcorn and went into theater #7 - a number synonymous with the movie's number. 

When the movie ended at 9:30PM, they decide to eat at a famous restaurant - named Soli's Burger. And oh my, my. The beef was very well done, cheese melted to perfection. And the best milkshakes that humans could make.

Ika remembers, that the poison was still in her handbag, she doubles check. Yup. Tightly shut in her bag. No leak whatsoever. 

They then went home, but Ika has to wake up early to make a "breakfast in bed". It would be his last breakfast too.


Her alarm rang at bit high volume, but it was no problem because Thomas wear earplugs while he sleeps. Ika, donned in a longdress, head down in a kitchen. Before that she searched her handbag, and took out the cyanide. She then made up her mind - the cyanide was going to be laced in his coffee.

She heads down to the kitchen, and turns on the light. She then prepares the utensils, ingredients: Eggs, cheese, bacon, fries, coffee powder, orange juice and frying pan. and also macaroni. with cheese.

She breaks two eggs into a small bowl and and stirs them thoroughly, forming a yellow color. SHE then takes out a block of french cheese, and shreds them into the bowl. A lot of them. She thens took out macaronis and bacon and begin to fry them. After cooking the mac and bacon, she fried the egg that was combined with cheese. She scrambles the egg. My,my. The taste was so good! And the smell.. was just indescribable. There are no words to describe how good the smell is.

She then make hot water and pours the coffee into the glass. Then very carefully, she took out the bottle of cyanide, and pours all of them into the coffee, before stirring them. The only thing left was to make Thomas drink the cyanide laced coffee. 

Having finished all the cooking, she then put all of the cooked food into a tray and carried them into Thomas's room.

"Morning Tom. I made breakfast for you..."

Tom yawned, but could smell the food that she cooked. And with that, his desire to eat increased. 

"Morni'n.. what are you cooking? What did you cook?" 

"Scrambled egg with cheese flavour, macaroni and bacon, and your favorite coffee" Ika said as she put the tray - table into the bed

"I did not regret marrying you.. thank you so much.. " he kissed Ika as a complement. "You can put the coffee into the coffee table there" Thomas pointed to the bed table beside the place he was sleeping.

Ika calmly take the coffee and placed it on the table. She knew that sometime into her breakfast, he will drink it and die.

"Oh my god. It's so delicious" Tom complemented.

"Thanks.  You enjoy your breakfast while i go take a shower. I'll make my own breakfast"

"Go ahead"

Ika went into the bathroom. She does not want to see Tom died in front of her eyes. But she want to see Tom after he died. When he lies unconscious in the floor. She is sure that Thomas is sure to die. She then turns on the heater, and begins to shower. Even in her deepest of her feelings. she has not felt a bit of a "change of heart". She wanted to get rid of Thomas, and be the sole owner of this million dollar home. It is also payback for his cheating. Amidst the sound of water beating down on the floor, she could barely hear the muffled screams of her husband as he struggles, fell into convulsion, before it all died out.

She calmly finished her shower, dried her hair, and steps out to a scene that she had been expecting. 

Thomas, her husband of decades of marriage, was lying dead on the floor. Face down. The glass of coffee broken, and the remaining coffee spilled on the floor. 

She raced to his lifeless body to check whether his heart is still beating. It was no use. His heart has gone off.

Now was to executed the plan. She dragged his body from both of his arms. It was tough work. She was going to bury the body in the predugg grave that she did yesterday. She then wrapped the body in a huge, white cloth while covering his fave with a black hood and taping it in the neck. She then dumped the body and filled the grave with the soil that she dugged out. The unmarked grave was a contrast to the rest of the garden which was filled with grass.

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