One hell of a ride?

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"It's like orgasm.. the going's down is the best part" Nadya looked over to Brian. (Excuse the pun) "Can you do that for me..i'm ready for number 3"

Brian's eyes sparkled with awe. He was ready, to put his dick, up his wife's ass. There was something unique about it. To her it felt "different" and "unique" - and for Brian - her vagina was so irresistible that he couldn't say no.. it was just.. that. Saying no would be destroying his pride

He replied in a deep soothing voice. " Yes baby.. i will give you one hell of a ride tonight.. i will make you scream, gasp, and pant"

"Emm.. i want it .. i can feel it.. it's going down"

At this time the roller coaster has reached the peak of the ride and it was about to go down. There were cheers, screams, and tears. 

"OMG, we're at the top, we're going down..Aaaah!!" Screamed one the women behind the children.

"Wohooo!!!" both children raised both of  their hands in the form of a V as it goes down.

The occupants let out a "Woooo" as it goes down at breakneck speed.. almost at the speed of light.

As it speeds downwards, Fransisca is enjoying every moment of it. "Yeah baby.. i want it more.. i want it more!! Gimme more"

Samuel screamed "YEAHHH!! I feel it!! It's so high! Wohoooo!!!!" 

The sensation of coming down was overwhelming. That feeling.. was like a paradise. For a moment it buried all of the bad feelings that you have.. and you will have that exhilaration, overwhelming, and emotional feeling of speeding down. Some people use this to ease their stress...

As it reach the bottom of the ride. it goes up again and goes on a 90 degrees horizontal turned to the right. And all the occupants are horizontally, laid to the right. Then, it goes up, and down again at a high speed (50km/h) and does 2 upside down flips.

Amidst all the fun of the ride that resembles the occupant's live's, the hydraulic's began to leak, sparks began to fly as it scratched hard the tracks. Sparks explode, and it began to swerve as it finished doing the upside down flips.

It swerve hard to the right, and right at that moment, they knew something was wrong...

"Oh shit.. oh SHIT!" one of the men screamed. The seats almost lose their balance when it swerved sharply to the right but somehow managed to still stay on the tracks.

"Something was be wrong" one of the man tought

The 2 women let out a blood curling scream. The sparks was exploding, right beside them both sides. Flying everywhere. Small, but hot! The sparks land on the women's arms, causing blisters the moment the sparks touched them. 

"Oouuch!!" She screamed.

Both Brian and Nadya were oblivious on what has happened, but that is only for a while..

The cars suddenly swerved to the left and right again, sharply.

"Oh..oh my god!" Nadya knew something was amissed. "What's happening" Brian sensed that the ride was going faster beyond the speed limit administered by the computer system. And it was rattling when it shouldn't be. Fransisca complained "Mum, what's happening"

I don't know, but where gonna be okay.. the ride's gonna stop at anytime. Just keep your cool" Nadya assured the kids.

Samuel turned to Fransisca. "Something tell me that this doesn't end well"

At this moment, Nadya began thinking whether that lightning had any connection to his incident

It could be a premonition that i shouldn't have chosen this ride

Suddenly, the tracks went up, the roller coaster went up and the speed only increased. At the summit there is slight curve. As they reached the top it flew slightly above and as it landed back on the tracks, the front car (where Nadya and Brian were seated) detached. The car flew off the tracks and into the ground, crashing upside down. They died, their heads crushed with blood and brain parts oozing out of their heads.

"Mom, Dad, NO!!!" Samuel screamed as the remaining cars continued on a terrifying journey of uncertainty. He was visibly shaken and started crying. By this time, it is very likely that they have been dead - it is too late to save them.

The ride continued, but the sparks continued, and it began to slow down.. and a bad timing. It slowed down just at it was about to reach the loop. It stooped, and the occupants are dangling...

Because the hydraulics caused the seat restraint to go off, they are now dangling on just that. Their arms are only the difference between life and death,.

One of the women lose her grip and fall to her death. Amidst all of the struggle, Samuel loses grip on one arm, and is now only dangling on just one arm.Because of the gravity, he was unable to get his other hand to hold back the seat restraint.

" help me" Samuel screamed for help. 

Fransisca, being the elder sister she was, tried to save Samuel even though she was risking her life. But that action, sealed his fate. He tried to reached his hand to her hand, but by doing so he let go of his other hand holding the restraint and thus.. he falls to the ground.. screaming... a loud thud is what followed and then the sound of skull breaking...

"Shit..Shit.. shit" she cried. She regretted in doing that

If this was a dream, then please wake me up

Now it is the turn of the 2 men to fall to their deaths. The seat restraint got detached from the seats and they fall to their deaths. A loud splatter is heard - blood splattered on the floor, and oozing out. The person could have lived with the pain of 5 minutes before eventually succumbing to the pain...

It is only Fransisca and the woman left on the coach.

Suddenly, the coaster, moved forward, faster and faster. What lies on the tracks infront of them was a part of the track was  detached, bending outwards.

The cars flew everywhere. Breaking into 2. Sisca was throwned out, landed fortunately on a shallow lake. The woman? Oh - she landed on the tracks head first and died.

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