Car crushed

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A night of July.

Nick and his girlfriend Jessica, were cruising inside their HONDA CRV on a lonely stretch of the highway. The highway was well lited, despite it passing some thick, dense forest that was only separated by a separator, to prevent animals from crossing. Instead, they built tunnels for the animals to cross. 

It was just after midnight, the radio DJ was announcing " Hey, hey, hey! Now we're gonna play one of the best songs of the 90s, it is Swear it Again by Westlife. It'll play after this commercial break, and don't miss our 90s flashback!". After that announcement came the radio station's corporate sound, and commercial break. 

Jessica relaxes, and let out.  "Aaah, the 90s. Grew up with this song and lovin' Westlife." Nick replied. " I Know. Their videos would play out in the first thing in the morning, and my sister was a really, really hardcore fan of the, and saved her savings to buy their posters and CDs. Her room was full of the posters" 

"Your sister is a true, fan. A hardcore one"  Jessica pointed out. 

" And when Brian left, she was utterly devastated. She wouldn't leave her room for 2 days, refusing to eat, drink or wash. She was crying really, really loud.." 

" I know, the same thing for me but not that severe," Jessica replied. " Did she recover from that disaster?"

Nick sighed. " She did, but it took her nearly a month to do so. In the first few weeks, she wouldn't eat much, and she was really down, and appeared pale, and sad." 

" It shows how devoted she is to Westlife. Westlife might put "life' into her". Jessica suggested. " Probably their songs had some chemical match into her brain"

" I know" 

Just then, on the opposite lane, he saw another car, with it's heads beam on very brightly, together with its headlights. Nick, driving, swerved his car slightly to the right to avoid it's brightness, while slightly covering his eyes with his left hand. 

"Jesus christ, no need to turn on your head beams!" He honks his car and flashed his head beams, signalling to the other driver that it needs to turn it off. To no avail. The car whisked past the CRV at high speed, just slightly above the speed limit of 50 km/h. The light was so bright that the couple has to cover their eyes. 

Jessica look back, and shouted " Stupid driver!" and gave the finger. Nick angrily sighed. "Probably that person doesn't know how to use his head beams at the right time!" Both sighed heavily. Nick look up to see the rear view mirror to see the car disappear into the night. There were no other cars following his car. It was only his car.  He pushed on the gas and continued driving. 

However, merely 5 minutes on, he notices that there was a car behind him. It was driving at a probably the same pace as his car - 60 km/h. He continued driving, albeit increasing his speed.

A few seconds letter, he noticed that the car was signalling to overtake, which was puzzling because he was driving at the right speed. Or maybe he was too slow.  Soon the car was in the opposite lane trying to overtake it. And the car was just in front of the SRV.

Suddenly without warning, without using the turn signals, it swerves to the lane in front of the CRV. Nick was shocked; that he swerved to the right as an impulsive action, but this only made things worse. Because he swerved at such a speed, it cause the car to spin around and lose control. The  car went to the right and hit the separator, went backwards, hit another separator before flipping upsidedown several times and flew over the seperator on the right hand side. It finally comes into a rest when it hit a tree, smashing and bending the car. 

Both Nick and Jessica were killed in the accident. 

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