The final blow

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After checking in to their rooms. they went out for re-creation activities. Swimming in the lake, riding bicycles, and hiking in the hills, enjoying the cool air, and cool breeze. They took selfies, photos, and a "kiss selfie". Both of course did not upload their activities into the web, as someone may know that "Ika had cheated". Logan of course know this. 

As Logan was lazing around lying on the ground, watching the sunset, Ika's phone rang. She then grabbed her phone in her pocket to answer it, and by looking at the caller ID, it was from an unknown number. Thoughts began to race thru her mind, of who could it be. She then answers it.

"Hello... who is this?"

"Hi, i believe that you are Ika?" said a male voice.

Ika didn't know how to feel, but she has a nagging suspicion on who this is. She continued to say and who is calling.

"Yes, Ika speaking. And you are..." she asked.

"I'm Roderick, Thomas's friend. I'm at his front door, he's not answering my phone. Do you know where he is?"

Oh shit. Ika thought. The murder was about to be exposed. There will be holes, lots of holes in my explanation. So what can she explained? Think, think think. AHAH!

"Oh sorry... Roderick... i also cannot contact him. I'm with my friend at Hosada hills. I last saw him this morning.. he said that he was going a bank to make some payments. And he, after that, he was going to meet some old friends"

"Oh, has he returned yet"

Ika sighed. " No.. as i told you no. Bye" Ika finished the call before Roderick could even answer. Roderick sighed, and tried calling him again, to no avail. Dissapointed, he went home hoping to see Thomas at work on Monday. 

Ika heaved a sigh of relief, but knew that the body will soon be discovered. However, she decided not to think of this, as other plans will have offset the feeling of "guilt" but she doesn't have any.

That night, they went to sleep, peacefully, hoping of a "good time" together.

The next day, they went on a shopping spree, spending spree around the resort. Ika withdraw $6000 from Thomas's account and transferred it into her debit card. and went on a spending spree. They spent the whole day riding cable cars, bungee jumping, building snowmen, skiing, hot bath and shopping. Ika purchased a handbag, a birkin handbag, worth $10,000. It was indeed a day of shopping...

And on the last day, she had a facelift in the nearby spa, which made her look beautiful, and looked like she was in her 30s. She had some form of cucumber placed on her eye, and a nice, nice face message. It was as if she had spent some time in paradise. And manicure! How beautiful her fingers looked with those shiny colors!


While checking out of her hotel, Logan asked her a question that stumped her. Well, she doesn't know how to answer it, but she can only "dodged" the question but can never get away from it.

"Ika, what will you do if the body is discovered, or they keep asking?"

Ika continued to make the laymen, keeping calm however. She just uttered. "You know.. run away. Or pretend that he is missing. But they'll never find him.. the answer is just below their noses" 

Logan than hint out on large hole. "But you are using his car!" He pointed to the fact. The fact had hit Ika hard. The thing is now clear, that everyone will not believe in Ika's story and she will be immoderately be suspected as a being have murdered him.

Because of this, she improvised, and planned out a plan. She drew out this plan in just seconds. She turned to Logan, and said. "I'll tell you once we're in the car. I don't want anyone else to know".

After having confirmed to have checked out, the pair walked into the car, and placed their luggage in the trunk. Ika later choose to drive back to her home, but will have to drop Logan off. 

Once they're safely out of the resort, and entered the highway, Ika began to tell of the  plan to get rid of her husband's car. "Okay... here's the plan" She began to explain the plan. "Tonight, i parked your car at your home, and later on, you followed me on to a remote place, and we set our car own fire - his car"

"So, i will have to follow you by my car.? But.. how?" Logan asked. "Where are you going to burn the car" 

"It's a remote place... but i don't know where to burn it" Ika was confused. "So how are we gonna do it... to cover it up."

Logan sighed and regretted Ika's decision to choose Thomas's car. He sighed again, and began to think on how to covered it up. Again, he cooked up an idea. His house has a quite large garage, so his house can fit two cars. But the car cannot be stored there for too long. There has to be some way for it to get "rid" of the car. In other words, the situation was in a "deadlock".


Meanwhile, there was quite a scene at Ika's house. A large crowd has gathered around her house. Neighbors, friends, Police officers were there. Thomas's friends were in tears - Roderick was shocked. He was in tears, Claire- Thomas's secretary, was there, crying and her faced showed a thousand words of silence.

Roderick discovered his body. He began to suspect that there was something amiss since that "land" has no grass compared to other grass. He called the police, citing that they should come. He said that his friend Thomas had been missing and suspected that his body is buried in the garden.

Police are writing statements, interviewing witnesses. Journalists are scattered around her house. Haminah Taseer of YVN NEWS was first to be there. Her aim was to be a sensationalist one - reporting every news story and exaggerating the story and blowing out the proportion.

"Here i am at Yuskon hills, and there has been a discovery of a dead body of a male one at Avenue Lills street, 77 at house no.18..."


Ika was at the highway, and her destination was just an hour away. Her phone was placed upwards on the dashboard so that she could answer her phone easier - and less accidents. Then, she got a call. Her ringtone resonate throughout the car. She swiped the "answer" button and began the call and activated the "speaker' mode.

"Hello, Ika speaking"

The woman on the other line was in a panic mode. She was screaming.

"Ika,ika ika! I got bad news. Really bad news!!!" 

Ika recognized that the voice was of her friend Ellen. She did not raise any alarms of anything at this time.

"They find a dead...body.. of your husbad! In the backyard! Polic are here. You should come here quickly!"

The revelation of Ellen's call about the discovery of the body has left the pair... speechless. The body have been discovered. Holes will appear. Arrest are going to be made. Jaws were dropped.  Speechless. A perfect (or not so) have been exposed. Was she stupid to do the murder?

"WHAT THE FUCK!? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!" Ika screamed, covering up her lie. Logan was in tears. Ika began to tear up, and of course it was fake. No tears!

"I'm so sorry to tell this... please come here"

"i'm..i'm on my way. MY GOD FUCK FUCK!!". The call ended after that.

"We are seriously fucked, fucked!" she complained. She was scared of being known to carry out the murder. Now, it's deadlock. There was no other way but to be arrested, and a small, small chance of "being" exonerated.  Thru money.

Logan was silent. He'd be fucked up too. And since he was white, handsome and had the look of David Muir but in his 20s, he'd be having his rectum filled with dicks of black guys. That's because most of the prisons here are inhabited by black inmates that have committed the worst crimes that you can imagine. And he'd be sharing a cell with 5 other inmates. To them, he's like a prostitute, that they can "have" and "enjoy" for anytime they want. And the guards may also join in the fun...

Logan covered his hands with his palms and started crying for fear of being put in prison. Ika remained calm but was extremely worried on when she arrived there. People there will then notice Logan. And start asking questions.

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