If your bored

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If you try any of these I am not responsible for any injures, arrest, or reaction!

~1~Randomly run up to a random stranger tap them on the shoulder while saying "Tag your it" Then run off. (It may be funny if you have someone record it for you)

~2~when going down stairs ask the person next to you to hold you hand so you don't fall if they say yes go with it if they say no pretend to fall down the stairs and blame it on whoever you asked because they wouldn't hold your hand.

~3~Run around a store suspiciously with your hands in the gun form while humming mission impossible.

~4~Repeat your self at the end of each sentence Ex. Hi how are you you. I cant believe we have finally met met.

~5~Pluck someone's hair a yell "DNA, DNA" then run off like nothing happened and continue doing this until you leave.

~6~In class ask to go to the bathroom, when coming back run into the door really hard then say something like "My bad",  "it wasn't me" or "Its the doors fault"

~7~randomly lay on the floor and act like your asleep making people step over you.

~8~Do #7 but get a large group to all lay on the floor and pretend to be asleep and as each a person walks over you jump a little and yell something like 'watch it fool' and 'don't step on me' randomly as different people walk over you.

~9~In class during a test yell out 'THE VOICES ARE TELLING ME TO CHEAT' and see everyone's reactions.

~10~Draw red dots all over you and say your allergic to work

~11~In your best redneck accent talk about the roadkill you found on the way to school and how your gonna fix it for dinner tonight.

~12~Glare at your teacher suspiciously while covering you answers during a test when they walk by

~13~Ask to go to the bathroom, when the teacher says yes get up and walk into the wall then get up and do it again then once you turn around and see everyone staring at you grin sheepishly and sprint out the door.

~14~At work or school walk into the wrong room and sit down like you think its right and when someone ask why your in there say you thought this was your room. When they tell you its not and that you should get back to your own room start whining like a five year old and say something like 'but I like this better' or 'but its boring in there'

~15~stumble into school or work and fall onto the floor and start having a conversation with it.

~16~when preforming #15 wait and see if anyone ask you if your alright if they don't just stand up like nothing happened but if they do stumble to your feet and grab their arm using them as support and stutter ' I swear to drunk im not god'

~17~Sart crawling around meowing like a cat

~18~ crawl around barking like a dog

~19~Act like a baby for the day

~20~Ask if you can introduce your imaginary friend to the class but act like he's real and when the teacher says no turn to your 'imaginary friend' and say this is why I hate this class loud enough for everyone to hear

~21~Chew a piece of gum obnoxiously and when the teacher says I hope you brought enough for everyone star passing around packs of gum

~22~accuse your teacher of copying your work

~23~Start crying and yelling about how everyone's turned against you in the middle of a store

~24~Tell your teacher that you will be 'ill' tomorrow and that you wont be able to do homework because of it.

~25~Laugh randomly every few minutes but be completely serious when your not laughing

~26~Tell the teacher to get ready to evacuate because your about to pull the fire alarm

~27~Yell STOP DROP AND ROLL EVERYONE when the teacher is trying to explain something

~28~draw cartoons and make them have serious conversation

~29~When someone starts talking on the intercom start walking around the room and find a good place to hid rather it be under a desk or behind the door all while mumbling about the voice in your head

~30~try to make up you own evil laugh

~31~stare at someone till the notice then yell 'stop staring at me you freak'

~32~On the first day of school go up to the teacher and say "I can speak English so can I leave?"

~33~In a childlike voice ask you teacher where babies come from

~34~Pass around a petition for people to sign against petitions

~35~Hum if you happy and you know it clap you hands loud enough for people to hear and cry if people don't join in

~36~Countinuesly poke the person next to you and when they get mad curl up in a ball while crying saying 'the voices made me do it, I'm sor..." but cut your self of and start poking them again while laughing like a lunatic

~37~run towards the crying and screaming and when someone ask you what's wrong say that you imaginary friend killed his or herself

~38~Go up to random people and say 'you will die in seven days' in a deep kinda creepy voice then run off like nothing happened

~39~Wave you hand wildly in the air like you want to be called on but when the teacher does call on you claim your only stretching

~40~Make up you own lauguage that no one can understand and speak it for the day.

~41~Give rulers to random people and challenge them to a sword fight

~42~When walking pretend some one trips you and glare at them every time you see them

~43~Act jittery in class until someone ask you what's wrong then act completely normal and be like what do you mean

~44~Knit, while sitting in the middle of a walkway, even if you don't know how.

~45~Once you finish you knitting in #44 go up to a random stranger and give it to them as a gift and act like your trilled if they accept it but get all mad or upset and fall to the ground crying if they reject it.

~46~Take a baby bottle with you as a water bottle when someone takes it cry until they give it back

~47~If your teacher comes in late, ask if they have reported it to the office

~48~Grin at everyone while you have raisnins in your teeth

~49~Threatin to sue when your given homework, work, or a job to do.

~50~sniff sharpies

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