Part 1

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Owen's POV:
I can't help but look at her when she walks down the hall. I remember the feel of her body pressed against mine in the on call room. No women has ever looked that amazing in navy blue hospital scrubs. Her hair perfectly cascades down her shoulders and the way she puts her hands in her pockets makes me just want to grab her and kiss her. There is a bit of a height difference between us but I enjoy lifting her up when I need to kiss her. No one can know about this. I for one would get in loads of trouble with me being the chief of surgery. She would also get in trouble and I never want for that to happen. I don't exactly know if we are dating. We had sex in that on call room. And once in my trailer. But I really like her. I was afraid to get attached to someone and like someone again ever since Cristina. But she is gone. And I'm completely over her. I don't know what she likes, if she wants to be a thing or not. I just know one thing, I am falling in love with Amelia Shepherd.

Amelia's POV:
"EARTH TO DR. SHEPHERD!" I jump and look at my intern who is very angrily waving a chart in front of my head. "Sorry I uhm was just day dreaming". In reality I was thinking of Owen Hunt. My boss. God he is so hot. My intern scowls and hands me the chart "I think this patient has a brain tumor". I take the chart and look at it, "Order a CT and an MRI and then let me know the results. Have fun." I turn around and walk down the hall and look at my phone. I'm walking and not paying attention and run into to someone. "Crap I'm so sorry" I look up and see his face. "O-Owen I mean Chief Hunt. I'm uh sorry about that" He chuckles and looks me in the eyes, "It's perfectly alright Dr. Shepherd." I nod and look down still slightly embarrassed. He clears his throat and asks "Do you mind coming in my office?" I look up and say "I'll stop by after I go check some scans for my intern" "That works I'll see you then." He smiles and walks down the hall. I turn the other way and can't help but smile "Ugh he's so hot." I say maybe a bit too loud and cause a nurse to look at me. I hurry up and walk down the hall and step in the elevator and go to find my intern. I get in the room and look at the scans. I clap my hands together and grin. "That is one nice looking tumor. Book an OR for later today and we are going to remove it." I take the chart and hand it back to the nurse and walk down to Owens office.

Owen's POV:
I sit at my desk and wait until she walks in. I hear a knock and yell come in and then she walks in. "Hey Chief" I get up and shut the door and have her sit down on the couch, I sit down beside her and take a deep breath.
"We need to talk Amelia"
She nods and says, "I agree"
"I haven't liked a girl since Cristina, and I was always really afraid to move on from her. But I know I'm completely over her and Amelia..." I stop talking and look at her.
She looks at me and says "Say it"
I look down "I like you. A lot"
I see a smile spread across her face and she says, "Owen I like you too"
I look up and say, "Do you think we can handle this. Dating and hiding it from everyone in the hospital "
She smiles and nods, "We can do it Owen. I really like you, and want to date. It can be a secret from everyone" she smirks and says again "That would just make it more fun"
I chuckle and look her in the eyes "Then we are dating, and want to come over to my trailer tonight" She nods and stands up "I'll see you then Owen. I'll bring my nice clothes." I laugh and say "No use if I'll just be taking them off you" She laughs and hits my arm and walks out. I let out a big sigh of relief and smile. I'm dating Amelia Shepherd.

Hey guys, I know this part wasn't really that long but they will probably get longer. I hope you enjoyed this and please comment any suggestions you have or whether you liked it or not. I'm open to any feedback or suggestions
. Thanks so much! Stay tuned for an update, ~Caelyn

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