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Owen's POV:
"OWEN WATCH OUT" is all I hear from Megan before I hear another loud noise and then everything goes black...
I got knocked out from the impact of my head hitting the steering wheel. I slowly open my eyes and try to look around.
"Megan!" I say breathlessly as I look over and see her in the passenger seat.
I furiously try to free myself. I get out of the car and realize how badly smashed this car is and slowly make it over to Megan on the other side. I feel something on my head and put my head on it and then look at it and see blood. I get down low trying to forget about the pain I'm having right now and look at my sister.
"Meg. Megan please."
I check her neck for a pulse and feel it very very very faintly. I can't find my phone at the moment but I see hers and pick it up.
I dial 911.
"911 what is your emergency" I hear the dispatcher say.
I can feel myself starting to get a little dizzy so I sit down on the side of the road slowly
"I-There was an accident" I manage to get out holding my head.
"Sir where are you? Were you in the accident?"
I tell him where I think I am,
"Yes I was."
"Okay sir help is on the way stay with me."
My phone slips out of my hand and fall back and get knocked out again.
"Sir. Sir. Are you there?"

Paramedic POV:
I pull up to the scene in the ambulance and see a man laying on the road beside the car. I walk over to the man and bend down and check his neck.
A pulse.
"Sir. We are gonna take care of you. Can you hear me?"
His eyes start to move and slowly he opens them and groans.
"My sister" Is all he says as he tries to point to the car.
"Is she in the car?" I ask him
The man nods. I direct the other ambulance over and tell the guy in there to stay with this man.
I walk over to the car and see a girl still in there. I call some other people with another stretcher and we get her out of there and lay her on. I jump on top of the stretcher and do CPR on her as they take her in the ambulance. I let the other guy in the back take over while I go back to the man.
They already have him on the stretcher but I can tell he isn't happy.
He's trying to sit up from the medics hold on him.
"Sir. Sir. Please calm down. What's the problem?"
"That's my sister." He points at the ambulance we just put her in that is driving away.
"I'm a surgeon. Grey Sloan. My wife"
God this man is all over the place.
"What about your wife?"
"Call her. Please"
"We will meet her at the hospital."
The man nods still holding a spot on his head,
"She works there"
"We are going to take you there. So they can check you out. I will find her there okay?"
"What happened? Where am I?" The man suddenly shouts.
I look at the other medic,
"Confusion. We need to get him to the hospital. Now"
We load him up and go to the hospital.
We pull into the ambulance bay at grey Sloan and I hop out of the back and am bombarded with many different surgeons. I know one of them from being here so often,
"Dr. Bailey. We have a car accident victim. The car seemed to have went head on with a large truck. The girl he was with should be here. He says he's a surgeon here. "
"What happened?! Where is Megan?! MEGAN MEGAN."
We both get startled by the mans sudden outburst. They get him out of the ambulance. And Bailey looks at me,
"He is. This is Dr. Owen Hunt. Trauma."
That is all she says as she runs into the hospital with the stretcher.
I follow her in and see a doctor standing against the wall being yelled at by other doctors for trying to help.
I walk over to her,
"Are you his wife?" I point to the man the doctors are trying to hold him down.

Amelia's POV:
I look up at the paramedic and nod.
"Is he okay?" I ask
"There was bleeding coming from his forehead. He will need stitches. And definitely a concussion. He passed out a few times. He's dizzy and has confusion as you can see."
I put my head in my hands and lean against the counter trying to breath.
"The girl on the other hand is much more severe."
"What? Megan?!" I ask looking back at him.
He nods,
"She wasn't waking up for us. Probably some major injuries."
I can't help but start to tear up. The paramedic pats my shoulder and walks away. I slowly start towards the room where Megan is.
I see Meredith Grey doing CPR and look at the screen and see a flat line.
"Come on Megan. Come back come back" I say standing in the room watching.
Meredith keeps going and suddenly the monitor beeps.
I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding.
Meredith and the rest of the doctors hook her up to more machines to monitor her through surgery.
"What are the injuries" I ask quietly
Meredith comes over to me,
"She lost a lot of blood. But we will be able to save her. She'll be okay. Go be with Owen. We are taking her to surgery."
"I want my wife! Where is she!" I hear the sound of Owen's voice from the next room. I walk over there and open the door.
"Owen relax. I'm here." I say as I walk in and come over to the bed.
"Do my stitches Amelia. I don't trust these people"
Bailey looks at me,
"He won't let us touch him."
"I don't know who you people are!"
I quickly look at Owen.
"You don't know these people?"
He shakes his head,
"Just you. You're Amelia. Where's Megan?! MEGAN!"
I sigh and hold his hand and rub it,
"Owen. Honey. Relax. Megan is here. She's in surgery. She's gonna be okay. Lay back I'll do your stitches."
I look at Bailey before grabbing the stitches stuff.
"He will remember you guys. It's just the concussion. Give it a few hours. It'll come back to him."
Bailey nods,
"we managed to get him the pain medicine though."
I nod, "good"
I clean off his forehead and sit down on the the stool beside his bed.
He puts his hand on my thigh and runs his hand up it.
"Owen!" I hit his hand away.
"I want to go to the on call room with you Amelia."
I blush at the look he's giving me.
Bailey clears her throat,
"The medicine is kicking in I see"
I chuckle and start doing the stitches on his forehead.
"Sorry if this hurts you Owen"
"Oh I don't feel a thing!" He says laughing
I laugh and nod,
I finish up the stitches and he reaches for my hand and I take his hand and interlace our fingers.
"Do I get a kiss?" He asks me looking up at me.
I smile and bend down and kiss him.
Bailey clears her throat again,
"I'll let you two alone. Amelia let me know if he needs anything."
I nod,
"I will Bailey. Thank you"
She walks out of the room and Owen looks at me and whispers,
"You should lay here with me"
I smile,
"Do you want me to?"
Owen nods and smirks at me.
I laugh,
He moves over a bit and I climb in beside him.
I put my arm over his chest and run my other hand through his hair.
"Do you remember what happened?" I ask looking up at him.
He shakes his head,
"I don't remember much. Just that Megan and I were fighting- Megan! Is she okay?"
I put my hand on his face,
"Hey relax. Megan is okay. She's in surgery. What were you fighting about?"
I watch his face turn to a face of confusion as he tries really hard to remember.
"Owen, it's okay. We will talk about it later."
He sighs and rubs his head,
"I should remember"
"You hit your head pretty hard and you have a concussion Owen this is perfectly okay. Now you should get some rest."
He nods,
"Alright I'll try."

Owen's POV:
I fall asleep for a few hours and then wake up and still find Amelia laying with me. The medicine has worn off and I let out a groan as I instantly feel the pain in my head when I try to move it.
Amelia hears me and sits up,
"Your head?"
I try to nod a little,
"God its bad." I put my hand on my head and shut my eyes.
"Do you want me to tell a nurse to get you more?"
"No" I say. "I need to get used to it. Can you turn off the lights though? Please"
She nods and gets out of the bed and turns the lights off,
"Better?" She asks and I nod.
"But Owen if you want the medicine I can tell someone to get it for you. It's fine"
I shake my head again,
"Mia I'm good. I'll be fine. Don't worry about me."
She comes back over and holds my hand,
"I have to worry about you. You scared me today. I didn't know what was going on. I can't lose you. I would fall apart instantly. You hold me together." Her voice shakes and I rub her hand with my thumb
"I love you so much Amelia. I'm never going to leave you. I'm sorry I gave you a scare. I'll never let you alone Mia. I can promise you that."
She smiles and I wipe off the tear that escaped from her eye.
"Now lean over so I can kiss you." I say to her smiling.
She leans over and I kiss her.
"Excuse me Dr. Hunt and I guess Dr. Hunt."
Amelia laughs and looks up at the intern at the door,
"That's us. What do you need?"
"Well the other Dr. hunt is out of surgery. Wow there is too many Dr. Hunts" He says
I look up,
He looks at the chart and nods,
"Yeah Megan Hunt."
"Can he go see her?" Amelia asks the intern.
He nods,
"Yes just go with him to make sure he's okay."
Amelia nods,
"Thank you Doctor." And then he walks out.
I sit up a little too fast and get a little dizzy,
"Woah too fast." 
Amelia leaves and gets a wheel chair and brings it in.
"Oh I am not going in a wheel chair" I say shaking my head.
"Oh yes you are. Just to be safe."
I sigh and she takes my arm and helps me in.
I sit down in the wheel chair,
"I hate these things."
"I know you do." She pats my shoulder and then wheels me out and we go to Megan's room.
She is still out from the surgery.
Many hours later of waiting Megan finally wakes up. She wakes up and reaches for me.
"Hey I'm here."
Amelia moves me closer to her bed.
"I'm so sorry Megan. I-This is all my fault. You could have died. We both could have"
Megan shakes her head and holds onto my hand,
"I'm okay Owen. Don't think about what could have happened. We are both okay. That's all that matters."
I nod slowly,
"Are you okay? Are you in pain?"
She shrugs,
"A little. But I'm fine Owen. Are you okay?"
I nod,
"I have a concussion. A pretty bad one right Mia?"
Amelia nods,
"Yeah you do. You just have to be careful and you'll be okay."
I nod,
"Guess all my money will be going to get a new car right?"
Amelia sighs,
"Yeah they said it was totaled..."
I groan,
"I'm an idiot."
"No you aren't" Megan and Amelia both say at the same time.
"Can the kids come and see me?" I turn and ask Amelia.
"And Megan I guess too" I add also.
Amelia nods,
"Lets go back to your room. And they can come and then we all can come back here. Is that okay?"
I nod,
"Yeah that's fine with me. Megan are you okay with that?"
Megan nods.
Amelia wheels me back out and we go down the hall back to my room. I get back in the bed and Amelia calls the school telling them she will be getting the kids out early.
Preview for next chapter:
Amelia gets the kids from the hospital and they come to see Owen and Megan. How are they going to react? Also a secret Megan has been hiding comes out accidentally.
Authors Note:
Hey guys thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it probably wasn't anything too exciting but I hope you enjoyed anyways 😂❤️

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