The Littlest Hunt

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Owen's POV:
I stand in the scrub room watching what seems like my wife slipping away from me second by second. The only thing I want to do is go in there and do something, anything but instead I'm stuck out here. I start pacing back and forth and it seems like it takes forever but finally Arizona walks out and takes off her clothes and mask.
"Can I talk to you outside"
I nod and walk out of the room with her. I lean against the wall,
"Is she okay?" I ask scared of what the response will be.
She nods, "Yes she is fine, She lost a lot of blood but she's stable now and they are gonna take her up to recovery. Your daughter is perfectly fine too. They are both super strong girls"
I smile a little bit and nod, "All of our kids are"
"Well you can go up to the nursery and see your daughter. Amelia is sleeping but I don't have a problem with you going in."
"Can I take the baby?"
Arizona nods, "Go ahead. I trust you, you know how to handle babies by now"
I laugh and nod, "I would say I'm pretty good"
"Hi sweet girl" I say as I gently pick up baby #5 from the crib.
She grasps my finger and I smile looking at her.
"Let's go see your mommy. She went through a lot of trouble to get you here little girl. You are gonna be the troublemaker of the family aren't you?"
I walk down to Amelia's room carrying our new daughter and walk into the room. I pull a chair over and sit down beside the bed. I sit there holding our little girl and every few minutes looking up at Amelia to see if I see any sign of her waking up.
About an hour later, Amelia starts to wake up.
"Owen" I hear her softly say as she opens her eyes and wonders if I'm here or not.
"I'm right here Mia" I lean over and put my hand on hers.
She looks over and sees the baby,
"Let me see her"
She tries to sit up but I quickly stand up,
"No you have to stay there. You had surgery. You lost an amount of blood. You need to stay there. I'll give her to you"
"Alright alright" She says and leans back again and puts her arms out. I give the baby to her and sit on the edge of the bed.

Amelia's POV:
I look down at our baby and smile. I look up at Owen,
"Really another ginger?"
He chuckles and smiles, "I can't help it. But she has the rest of your face"
I nod and smile looking at her. That was definitely one of the most traumatic births out of our kids. Especially because of the C-Section.
I look up at Owen, "Her name?"
Owen nods and takes the list out of his pocket.
"These are the ones that we all agreed on. As a family. "
I take the list from him and look at them.
"I really like Olivia" I say to him
He nods, "So do I"
I nod and look down at her, "Welcome to our crazy family Olivia Hunt."
Owen chuckles, "Do you want me to go get the kids from the waiting room?"
I nod, "Yes please. I want to see them"
"I'll be back" He says as he kisses my cheek and then walks out. He comes back in a few minutes with Addie, Charlotte, Noah and Derek.
"You guys have to be careful. Mommy had surgery but you can sit with her if you all will fit. " Owen says as he comes over and lifts Addie and Charlotte on one side and then Noah and Derek on the other.
"This is your baby sister guys" I say to them as I lay her on my lap so they can see her.
"Her name is Olivia" Owen adds as he sits down in the chair beside the bed.
"She's small" Derek says as he looks down at her.
I smile, "You were that small before."
He looks up at me eyes wide and I laugh. Owen stands up and gets a nurse from outside and asks her to take a picture of us. He gives her his phone and then leans in beside me while all the kids are in the bed with me and then she takes the picture.
"Thank you" Owen says as he takes his phone back and the nurse walks out.

*A Few Days Later*

Amelia's POV:
I finally get to go home today. I still have to take it easy because of the c section but I'm grateful to he leaving this hospital room. Owen walks in and puts everything in my bag and puts it on his shoulder
"Owen I can carry it" I say to him as he also takes my hands and helps me up.
He shakes his head and smiles,
"I got it."
I walk over to Olivia  and put her in the carrier and go to pick it up but Owen steps in front of me and picks it up.
"Nice try but you aren't lifting anything"
I groan and nod,
"The rest of the gang is at home. My mom is there with them" Owen says as we walk out of the room. We don't get very far because of people wanting to see Olivia . We make it out of there an hour later and then I watch Owen struggle with the car seat. I laugh at him,
"You look like this is your first time doing this"
I watch as he's furiously trying to get it buckled in.
He finally gets it in and then looks up at me,
"Hey you are normally the one that does it. I'm a bit out of practice. "
He walks around and gets in the drivers seat and I put my hand on his thigh,
"You figured it out. Daddy." I start laughing as I say that.
He laughs as he starts driving,
"You do not call me daddy. That is just weird"
"Oh you don't like that?" I laugh again
"Only when the kids call me it preferably" He says as he glances over at me.
I laugh, "Alright"
He drives us home and then we get out and I let Owen get Olivia and then I walk up to the door and go inside and the kids run to me.
"Where's baby sister?" Derek asks looking up to me with his dark blue eyes.
"She's coming. Daddy is getting her out. Come sit down on the couch with me" I smile at him and the rest of the kids and walk out to the living room.
"Hey Evelyn!" I say as I see her sitting down on the couch. She stands up and hugs me,
"Amelia how are you?" She asks me smiling
I smile, "Doing pretty good for just having a 5th kid actually" I say as I sit down.
"I have no clue how you did that. I was done with it after 2!"
"Oh I'm definitely done now. Right Owen?"
I say to him as I hear him walk in the door.
"What?" He asks as he walks in the room with Olivia.
"We are done with kids?" I say to him
"Oh good god yes. This is more than enough." He says as he laughs.
"I wanna hold her!" Addie says before charlotte also jumps up and says,
"No me!"
"One at a time" I say to them.
"You all can take turns. But let grandma hold her first please"
Owen hands Olivia to Evelyn and she sits down holding her.
Owen walks over to me and I lean against him. We watch the kids all walk over to Evelyn and watch her holding Olivia.
I look up at Owen,
"At least our kids all get along"
Owen chuckles, "Yeah when they are young. Just wait until they are closer to teenagers. It won't be this nice"
I nod and sigh, "God don't talk about teenagers yet. They aren't even in the double digits."
Owen smiles, "Addison will be there before we know it. She's already 6. And Char is 5. It's crazy"
I sigh again and frown looking at them,
"Why do they grow up so fast?" I look back at Owen.
Owen shrugs and leans down and kisses me.
"We can always consider them our babies. No matter how old they are"
I laugh, "But then they will hate us. At some point kids always hate their parents"
Owen looks over at his mom, "I never hated my mom. I've always been close with her."
I smile at him and put my arms around him.
"I'm a little tired" I say.
"Why don't you go upstairs and take a nap? We will be okay down here"
I look up at him, "Are you sure?"
"I'm positive" he says to me as he stands up and helps me up, "Go up there. Get some rest."
I kiss his cheek and tell the kids I'll be upstairs and then walk upstairs and lay down in the bed.

Owens's POV:
When my mom is done with Olivia I get up and let all the kids sit down on the couch and first I let Addison hold Olivia since she is the oldest after all.
"Now support her head with that hand" I say as I position her hands and then smile at her,
"There you go"
After here time is up we basically pass Olivia down the couch to the other kids. Noah does surprisingly well with her and then when he get to Derek I pick him up and then sit him on my lap and then help him old Olivia. His arms aren't quite big enough to hold her by himself.
A few hours later Amelia is still sleeping but my mom has to leave so I put Olivia in the crib we have downstairs and then get up and hug her.
"If you and Amelia ever need a break, let me know. I'll do whatever I can" She says.
I smile and kiss her cheek.
"Thank you mom. I'll call you if we ever need anything."
"Good luck with these wild animals you got here" I laugh as she walks out of the house saying that.
I walk back into the living room and see the kids sitting around the crib watching Olivia.
I snap a quick picture and put my phone back in my pocket.
"You guys really like her don't you" I say as I chuckle and come behind them.
Noah looks up at me, "I like her. She nice"
I laugh, "She doesn't do anything yet. How can you say she is nice buddy?"
Noah looks at me like I'm crazy, "I just know daddy"
"Jeez okay" I laugh as I sit down on the floor with them. We all get pillows and lay down on the floor by the crib and turn on the TV. Amelia comes down later and joins us down there and then we all fall asleep again. Well almost all of us.
Authors Note:
Hey guys here is the update. Sorry for taking so long. I'm not exactly sure what I'm planning on doing in the next chapter but I'm sure something will come to me! Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed

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