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Owen's POV:
Amelia and I get the kids on the bus and they head off to school. Amelia has to go to the hospital early to get some work done. I walk over to her car and she rolls down the window,
"Have a good day. I'll see you there later." I smile at her.
"Do I get a kiss?" She asks me smiling.
I chuckle,
"Of course" I lean into the window and kiss her.
"Now I'll have a good day" she says after kissing me back.
I laugh as I step back and she backs out of the driveway.
I walk back inside and see a missed call on my phone from Megan. I pick up my phone and call her back.
O- Hey sorry Amelia and I were getting the kids on the bus.
M- That's okay. Do you work today?
O- Yes I do why?
M- Can you come pick me up before you go? My car isn't starting.
I hear her laugh into the phone and I laugh also
O- Yeah I'll swing by and pick you up. Where's Nathan?
The line goes silent and she doesn't respond
O- Megan?
M- Nathan...got called back Owen.
O- to Iraq?!
M- Yes. Just I'm not having this conversation over the phone. We'll talk in the car Owen.
She hangs up on me and I sigh and put my phone down and run my hand through my hair. I go into the kitchen and find something to eat before I leave. I lean against the counter and drink my coffee still thinking about Nathan going back to Iraq.
"Hi." I say as Megan gets in my car.
"Hi." She gets in and shuts the door and I start driving.

Amelia's POV:
I walk into the hospital and go down to Baileys office to give her paperwork she asked for on some of my previous cases.
"Thanks Amelia" She says as I hand them to her.
"You're welcome" I smile and put my hands in my pockets.
"Are you excited to see your kid today at work?" She asks me sitting it down on her desk.
"What?" I ask confused
"Isn't the class Addison is in coming for a tour today?"
Suddenly I remember what Addison has been talking about the past week.
"Oh my gosh I completely forgot!" I laugh and say.
Bailey laughs,
"They should be here soon. Do you want to help with the tour?"
I nod,
"Yeah of course." I smile and walk back out of the room with Bailey following me.
We walk down to the lobby and greet the class of kids.
"Welcome to Grey Sloan Memorial!" I say as I stand beside Bailey.
"Hey that's your mom!" I hear a kid say and then Addison appears out of the class.
"Hey Addie" I smile and open up my arms for a hug. She comes and hugs me.
"You guys ready for a tour?"
All the kids nod excitedly and Bailey and I start directing them through the hospital. I take them into my office and show them the scans I have up.
"This is a tumor. A pretty amazing one. " I say pointing to the scan and smiling.
"Did you do the surgery yet?" A kid asks.
I shake my head,
"No not yet, my team and I are brainstorming ideas to make sure it goes perfectly. Soon though"
"Will the person live?" Someone else asked.
Before I can answer Addison speaks up,
"Of course. My mom never lets anybody die. She's the best. Her and my dad. They save people everyday. "
Bailey looks at me and smiles.
I smile at Addie and nod,
"I do save people everyday. And so does my husband."
"What does your dad do Addie?" A kid in her class asks as we walk out of my office.
"My dad is a trauma surgeon. He gets intense stuff sometimes right mom?"
I nod,
"He has to know how to think fast cause with trauma cases you don't always have a lot of time."
Addison smiles proudly at her class as we continue our tour around the hospital stopping in the different departments.

Owen's POV:
I start driving towards the hospital while neither me or Megan talk yet.
"Are we going to talk?" I finally ask to break the silence.
I see her shrug out of the corner of my eye.
"When did he leave?" I ask again pressing the conversation on her whether she likes it or not.
"Two days ago. They needed him immediately" she sighs and looks out the window.
"Megan. What if we have to go?"
She shakes her head,
"We won't. We won't. There is probably lots of other people they will call."
"You don't know that!" I say back to her probably a little too loud.
"We aren't going back Owen."
"Megan how do you know that? I can not leave my family again!" I yell back at fully thinking about going back to the army.
All the memories of me leaving Amelia and our family keep coming back to me. The last time she tried to divorce me if I leave again she really will divorce me. I'll never see my kids again. I can't go through with that. I'm not leaving. There is no way.
Is all I hear from Megan before I hear another loud noise and then everything goes black....
Preview for next chapter:
Short chapter I know but that's because I just needed to get this cliffhanger in.
Do not worry! Owen is not going to leave again. I would not put you all through that again. But in the next chapter see what happened to Owen and Megan.
Thanks so much for reading. Sorry about the cliffhanger 😉

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