House Hunting

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*it has been around a month since they got engaged and also found out amelia is pregnant*

Owen's POV:
"Amelia come on we are going to be late"
I hear a small groan and she gets up from the toilet, "Really not a fan of this morning sickness deal" I toss her her toothbrush and some clothes and continue getting ready.
"After work we are going to meet with the realtor at the house we want to buy"
"Thank god we get to get out of this box and get an adult home" she sarcastically says
I roll my eyes at her, "I still like this so called box but yes we are getting our own adult house since we have a pretty adult life. Now let's go"
We both walk out to the car and get in and drive to the hospital. I take her hand and help her out then we walk into the hospital together. Everyone knows about the engagement now so amelia can proudly wear the ring. We go into the ER and I give her a quick kiss
"I love you. I'll see you later" I say
She responds with a smile and says, "I love you too" and then we walk our separate ways and start our work day.

Amelia's POV:
I walk around the hospital with one hand on my stomach not even realizing until Meredith pulls me aside, "Amelia you can't be walking around holding your stomach or people will realize"
"Oh my I didn't even notice I was doing it. I'm gonna be more aware now" I laugh a bit and walk away with my hands down at my sides. My pager goes off and I notice I am being paged 911 to the ER. I run down the hallway and get down to the ER, "Where do you need me Owen" I say as I'm being gowned and putting on gloves.
His tone of voice is always stern when he's focused its kinda hot. I shake my head, "stupid hormones" I mumble to myself. Owen says, "Mia trauma room 2" I smile when he says Mia, it's kind of his new name for me. I run down to the trauma room and start helping. Owen comes in and I look up at him, "Surgery. Can you scrub in with me?" He nods and we take the patient down the OR. We both scrub in snd walk in and start the surgery.
"My hormones are coming into effect"
Owen kinda looks at the scrub nurse Bokhee, "She's pregnant, don't tell anyone else" Bokhee nods and laughs.
Owen says, "Mia I'm sure your hormones aren't that bad"
"Oh yes they are just wait"
We make small talk about the house and the finish the surgery later. We say goodbye again and go back to working in the ER.

Owen's POV:
The day goes by fast and I wait in the lobby for Amelia. She comes down and we walk out to to the car and drive to the house.
"Wow Owen it looks amazing already" she smiles as she looks out the window at our future home.
I nod and we get out and go to the realtor. We walk into the house with him and see the gorgeous living room.
"The carpet would be good for the kids" I smile and say.
We walk into the kitchen with all new appliances and a beautiful granite island in the middle.
Amelia chuckles and hits my arm, "Look at this kitchen. All kinds of space for you to cook me food!"
I laugh, "Oh yes it's perfect for that."
We follow the realtor up the carpeted steps and walk down the hall to the master bedroom first.
"Oh my god this is bigger than the entire trailer" We both laugh and look around at the king size bed and walk into the master bedroom with the new shower and bathtub. I look over at Amelia and see her smiling big. We walk out of the master bedroom and go into the other ones and then head back downstairs.
"We have one more spot of the house you guys haven't seen yet, follow me" The realtor says.
We both follow him back into the living room and he opens up the doors revealing a large deck.
"Owen look at this view and how big this deck is" Amelia smiles and walks around the deck.
I walk around, "Mia there's a hot tub!"
"Alright sir we are getting this house now."
I laugh at her readiness and nod to the guy, "We will sign the papers" we walk back in the house and sign the papers.

Amelia's POV:
This is basically my dream home. I wouldn't want anything else and I wouldn't want to live in it with anyone else. Over the next few days we really got everything in the place.
Now Owen and I are laying in bed talking about our wedding.
"We should do it really soon before I get huge. We don't really need a lot of people there Owen, just our family and close friends. And I'm sure they would come whenever."
He looks surprised but smiles, "You wanna get married this soon?" I nod quickly, "of course I do. I want to be able to call you my husband Owen"
He smiles and kisses me, "then let's get married next week Mia. "
I kiss him back and nod, "I've always wanted this certain dress I'm going to buy it now!" And before he can say anything else I jump out if the bed and run down and drive to Merediths for her assistance.
I get a text from Owen:
Hey Mia, you might also wanna tell all your family and friends that we are getting married next week ;) xx
I smile at my phone and text back:
I will, you tell yours too! xx
I put my phone in my pocket and walk into Merediths. "IM GETTING MARRIED NEXT WEEK COME ON"
She runs to the door and looks at me, "Next week?!?" She says to me in a panic
I smile calmly and nod. "Let's go get my dress" she is baffled by our quick thought wedding but follows me leaving the kids with Maggie. But before we get out the door I turn around, "Oh Maggie congrats you're gonna be a bridesmaid. You too Mer" We all laugh and walk out and go to get my dress and the bridesmaids dresses. I also call the church and let the now. I also made a group text to send to our closest friends:
Hey everyone, just a little heads up. We know it's short notice but Owen and I are getting married next Saturday so hope to see you there!

Owen's POV:
'I need a tux' I think to myself as I pace around the room trying to get everything in my head together. I decide to call April who is going to be my best man, well I guess best women since she's a girl but whatever she's my best friend. I tell her about the wedding and everything and she agrees to get the rings and make sure everything at the church is ready that day. I thank her a thousand times and then hang up and call my mom who is practically in tears over the phone talking about how excited she is. I finish talking to her and go buy a new tux for the wedding. I think about how gorgeous Amelia will look in a wedding dress.
**Later that night**
"Goodnight Amelia" I smile and kiss her cheek.
She looks at me and says, "We are going to be married Owen. I can't believe it's actually happening. I love you so much."
I grin big and say, "I love you too and not only are we getting married but we also have a baby on the way" I smile and bring her close to me and let her curl into me and then we both fall right asleep in our bed in our new house, dreaming about out wedding.

Authors Note
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, this chapter was just kinda to prepare for the next one which will of course be the wedding. I hope you enjoyed and I love feedback so please leave comments! Thanks for reading

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