Friends & Family

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Amelia's POV:
"Mommy, daddy wake up!"
I rub my eyes as I wake up to Charlotte sitting on me.
"Baby it's 7:00 am"
"But it's my birthday!!"
I laugh and smile, "Yes it is but that doesn't mean you have to wake us up at the crack of dawn" I wrap my arms around her and bring her down between me and Owen.
"Hey you're 5 years old now. You know what that means?" Owen asks her.
"What?!" She asks excited
"5 tickles!"
He sits up and starts tickling her and I instantly hear the sound of her laugh. I smile at them and laugh with them.
Owen finishes tickling her and smiles at her, "why don't you go wake up aunt Megan and you guys go downstairs and make some breakfast. We will be down in a few minutes"
"Okay!" She jumps off the bed and goes to get Megan.
"Addison and Charlotte will be here around noon" I tell Owen.
It's going to get quite confusing with them here considering my kids also have those names.
"I can't wait to meet them. Are they bringing their husbands?" Owen asks me.
"Char is bringing Cooper yes. But addisons husband Jake is staying in LA with Henry. "
"I just need some men here with me" Owen replies laughing.
"Char is bringing the kids too. She has 4. One is a step son which her husband Cooper. And then they had triplets together. All girls, Georgia, Caroline, and Rachel. The boys name is Mason."
"She had triplets?! Jesus"
"I would kill you if you got me pregnant with triplets. You wouldn't be able to make any more kids after that"
We both laugh and I sit up.
"We could have Megan take Noah to his preschool trip, so me and you can get ready for the party here. And his trip should be over around noon also. " I say
"Yeah that's a good idea. I'll go talk to Megan."

Owens POV:
I go downstairs and into the kitchen and see Megan,
"Meg can you take Noah to preschool? Amelia and I want to stay here and get ready for the birthday party."
"Yeah of course I can, come on little man"
She picks him up and takes him out to the car and to the preschool. She comes back home later.
Amelia and I send the the rest of the kids outside to play with Megan while we get the party ready.
We hang up streamers and put balloons around the house and Amelia and I wrap our presents to Charlotte. We sometimes spoil our kids quite a bit but it's all about the love. We finish getting everything ready and then Amelia's phone rings. She puts it on speaker as she is putting things away in the kitchen.
"Mrs. Shepherd-Hunt, this is Amy Noah's teacher"
"Hi is there a problem?" Amelia asks into the phone.
"Noah got into an accident on the field trip. He just got to the hospital now"
"We'll be right there!"
Amelia hangs up the phone and we both run out of the door knowing that Megan is with the other kids. I drive us to the hospital and we run into the ER and see him sitting on a bed.
"Noah! What happened buddy?"
We go over to him and sit on the bed.
"I jumped off the swing like everyone else but I fell and hurt my arm"
"Mommy and I talked to you about never jumping off swings"
Noah looks down and sniffles, "I'm sorry mommy and daddy"
"It's okay baby" Amelia says as she runs her hand through his hair.
Dr. Torres walks in and says,
"He has a broken arm, I will put on a cast and then you guys can take him home!"
I nod, "Thank you Callie"
She looks at him, "What color cast would you like Noah?"
"Blue please" He says softly.
"Your parents can stay with you I promise. This won't take long just hold still. "
Callie puts the cast on Noah while Amelia holds him in her lap. We thank Callie and everyone else and walk out with Noah.
"Bud you know people can sign your cast right?"
I nod and chuckle,
"Yeah we can sign it later tonight okay?"
"Okay daddy"
We drive home at just the right time because we also see Charlotte + Cooper and Addison pulling in.

Amelia's POV:
Owen gets Noah out of the car while I greet our guests. Charlotte gets out of the car first and I run over to her,
"Hey!" We hug and then Cooper gets out and I say hi to him and then Addison gets out of her car and we all go in with charlotte and coopers kids also.
We walk in the house and see Megan back inside with the kids.
"Guys there is some people I want you to meet. Now this might get a little confusing so pay attention" I chuckle and say. They all come over and stand in front of me and everyone else.
"Okay guys this is your aunt Charlotte and her husband Cooper and their kids Georgia, Caroline and Rachel. And then this is their son Mason. Next this is aunt Addison."
My kids Charlotte and Addison both look at each other and then back at me confused, "that's our names mommy!"
"Yes it is. You girls were named after them."
Big Charlotte and Addison both smile and say hi to the kids.
Owen comes in with Noah and says, "Now all you kids go play but be careful with Noah cause he has an ouchy"
"Okay daddy!" Little Addison says as they all run outside along with Charlotte and Coopers kids.
"We have a enclosed yard back there don't worry." I say as I walk into the living room. "Come sit down guys! I need to properly introduce you to my husband. "
Owen laughs and comes in the living room with everyone else.
Charlotte sits down, "Alright Amelia spill about this fine man you have here"
Cooper laughs at her, "Yeah I'd like to know some more too"
Owen sits down beside me, "I don't like talking about myself so go ahead Mia" He chuckles and puts his arm around me and let's me start talking.
"Well his name is Owen Hunt. In the army, Major Owen Hunt."
Charlotte smirks,
"Amelia Shepherd with an army guy? Well major Hunt consider yourself lucky"
"I consider myself lucky everyday" Owen says as he smiles.
I continue to talk,
"He's a trauma surgeon. You met his sister who is with the kids. That's Megan. Uhm what else am I supposed to say?" I laugh and look at Owen.
"I'm not really that interesting. I'm left handed if anyone cares"
We all laugh at him and I pat his leg and say,
"This is just my army man, left handed, ginger husband."
Addison laughs and smiles,
"Hey that's enough information for me about him. How did you guys meet?"
"We just met at the hospital. We off and on dated for about a year and then decided to get married. Split decision and everyone told us we did it too fast and yeah we obviously had problems cause you guys know how I can be but we turned out fine right?" I look at Owen and smile at him.
"Of course Mia" He smiles back at me and kisses me. I kiss him back and addisons says,
"So where did the nickname Mia come from Owen?"
Owen looks up and says, "it just kinda came to me a while ago. I know that only Derek was allowed to call her Amy so I came up with my own and she liked it so it just kinda stuck."
Everyone smiles and then it's charlottes turn to ask a question,
"Sorry Amelia but I just have to ask to be sure, Owen you know about everything in the past?"
I say, "It's no problem Char"
Owen says, "Yes I do, I knew she had problems but the good thing was, I helped her with those and she helped me with mine"
"What happened to you?" Charlotte asks him.
"I have PTSD from my time in the army. I work through it all the time, it is good knowing my wife is always there for me and helps too."
He slips his arm around me and I lean into him.
"You guys are probably gonna ask about the kids names now. Yes I named the kids after Addison and Charlotte. I mean why not, you guys were a vital part in my life and Owen loves the names. And then Noah was his idea. And Derek was obviously my brothers name"
After a while of talking and Owen learning more about my friends we decide to bring all the kids back in who have amazingly gotten along great. We all settle down to eat charlottes request of pizza and ice cream cake for dessert. Then we sing happy birthday of course and then lastly we open up presents. She loves all the presents but sadly before we know it, it is time for my friends to leave because they all work tomorrow and can't stay the night and we would probably not have enough room for them anyways. We all say our goodbyes and then they head back out to their cars to leave. We promise to keep in touch as usual.

Owens POV:
Everyone has left and we got the kids to bed. It's later than they usually go to bed but they were wide awake so we watched a movie and then took them up. I look over at Amelia laying in bed with me. I can't help but look at the way her hair perfectly lays on the pillow and the way her eyes sparkle when she's looking at pictures she took of all the kids today. She notices my staring and looks at me,
"What?" She smiles at me
God that smile gets me everytime. I smile back and shake my head "Nothing"
"Oh it has to be something"
"I was just sitting here thinking about how lucky I am to have such a beautiful wife."
She blushes and covers her face with her hands.
"Stop I want to see your beautiful face Mia" I chuckle and say. I move over so I'm on top of her and hold my weight up and move her hands off her face.
She scowls at me and I kiss her. We slowly start kissing more and I put my hand under her shirt feeling her slim body. We keep kissing as I take off her shirt. We've probably done this so many times it's like a walk in the park for us. She rips my shirt off and throws it on the floor and sits up and pushes me down on the bed as she hovers over me. She starts running her hand over my chest and down lower each time. She eventually gets to my jeans and starts to slowly unbuckle them.
I groan, "God Amelia you're killing me"
She still takes her time trying to tease me but finally gets my pants off and looks down at my boxers and grins.
"We won't really be needing these" She takes them off me and throws them on the ground too. She has this thing that she really enjoys throwing our clothes all over the place so if is a struggle to find them the next morning.
I tease her for a while like she teased me but then by that time we both have enough teasing and were more than ready. After we throughly satisfied each other she collapses down on the bed beside me and we both breath heavy for a couple seconds before I turn to look at her,
"I love you"
She says, "I love you too Owen"
She kisses me again and I kiss back and then I get up and throw her her underwear and bra and grab my boxers. We just hope the kids don't come in in the morning and see us. We both quickly drift off to sleep with my arm around her and don't wake up until our alarm goes off in the morning.
We wake up in the morning and I groan as I realize I have to go to work. I kiss Amelia's cheek because she already fell back asleep.
"I gotta go to work. "
She opens her eyes and looks at me,
"Have fun. I love you" She kisses me.
I chuckle and kiss her back, "oh I'll try. I love you too"
I get out of bed and throw Amelia so she can't get dressed. I get changed and then go into the kids room and say goodbye to them and do the same with Megan and then I head out of the house and go to work.
I get to work and walk in to the ER and see a lot of people surrounding someone. I slowly approach, "what's going on here?"
I push my way into the circle and see none other than Nathan Riggs.
Authors Note
Hey guys this was kinda a boring chapter so I'm sorry about that! But I left you with a little cliffhanger so enjoy that 😂 thanks for reading (preview next)
Preview for next chapter:
Owen isn't very happy with the new guest at the hospital. Which may cause problems when Megan and Owen talk about it which causes even more when Amelia seems to side with Megan. Hopefully will get the chapter out soon!

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