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Owen's POV: (first day back in Seattle)
I wake up in the morning thinking everything is fine and dandy but then look over at the clock,
"Shit! Amelia wake up!"
I jump out of bed and find clothes to put on and throw clothes at Amelia. It's 9:00 AM, we forgot to set the alarm last night. We were supposed to be at work at 6:00 AM. Addison should be in school. And Charlotte. And Noah and Derek should be at daycare. Amelia finally sits up and notices the time also and jumps up and gets dressed.
"I'll get something to eat for them and you get them up and ready. We need to be fast." I run downstairs and to the kitchen and grab an apple and water for Amelia to eat and put toast in for the kids. I wait for it to be done and then put jelly on if for them and sit it on the counter. I quickly pack lunches and get all their little backpacks. Amelia comes down with them and I hand her the apple and bottle of water and tell the kids,
"Get on your backpacks and grab your piece of toast. This is the only time I'm ever letting you eat in the car"
We all hurry out to the car and I make sure they are all buckled in and then I drive to the school and we drop off Addison and Charlotte Amelia going in with them and then we go to the hospital and take Noah and Derek to the daycare and then I run up to the ER and she goes to the surgical floor.
I walk into the ER and April runs to me,
"Owen! Finally! You're late"
"I'm sorry about that, we forgot to set the alarm last night. First day back"
"Well we missed you here. Glad to have you back" She pats my back and then walks away to check on a patient. I lean against the counter and check some charts seeing what I've missed the past two weeks. I think of Amelia and text her real quick,
Hey make sure you eat that apple and water. You're pregnant you have to eat. I'll be on your case for 9 months again
Her response:
I'm eating it right now. Don't worry. Now get to work Dr. Hunt I'm sure you have patients.
I chuckle at her message and put it back in my pocket and hear an EMT coming in with a patient and I walk over,
"What do we have?"
"Car accident. This is person in the car that got hit. We couldn't tell all the injuries, we wanted go get her here as soon as possible."
I nod and take the gurney down to a bed and we lift her on.
I check the pupils and try to talk to her,
"Miss can you hear me, I'm dr. Hunt. I'm gonna help you"
She reaches her hand up and I grab it and nod,
"You're gonna be okay. Just stay with me."
I page Amelia to come down and do a head consult just in case while I clean her up and put in stitches wherever needed.
Amelia comes into the room,
"You paged?"
"Yes. She was in a car accident. I want you to check her head just in case"
Amelia comes over and does her check and then looks at me,
"She's good, a concussion is all. She'll be fine"
I nod and say thank you and then look at the patient,
"I've gotta take you up to surgery to stop this bleeding. Remember just stay with me." I wheel her out of the room and grab April to assist me. We take her down to the OR and go in. We scrub in and then walk in. We open her up and I shake my head,
"This is a lot."
We try to stop the bleeding and do everything we can but she flatlines on the table.
"No no no" I yell as I try to get her back. April comes over and grabs my arms and pulls me back.
"Time of death, 11:30" I walk out of the OR and rip off my mask and scrub out and then walk out of the OR. I lean against the wall outside and kick a cart knocking stuff off of it. I shake my head and keep saying to myself,
"She shouldn't have died"
I walk upstairs to the waiting room and see the family. I make eye contact with them and they run to me. A husband and two kids, young kids. I sit down with them and look at the husband,
"I'm so sorry to tell you this, but we did everything we could..."
The guy shakes his head and puts his head in his hands and hugs the kids.
"I'm so sorry for your loss sir" I get up and walk away leaving them alone. I walk back up to ER with my head down not talking to Owen and update the chart. Amelia is standing in there waiting for me and I see her but walk right past her into an on call room. She follows me in and shuts the door.

Amelia's POV:
"Owen?" I follow him into the on call room and shut the door behind me.
"What's wrong?" I ask him as I walk over to him.
He looks down and says,
"I lost her. Freaking first patient on my first day back at work and I lose her on the table Amelia."
"Come here" I take his hand and sit down on the bed with him.
"We lose patients everyday Owen, that's what makes us better surgeons. We learn from our mistakes. Everyday. Whether we lose them or save them we learn. Now you are an amazing surgeon and have saved so many people's lives. I understand why you are upset but baby it's okay. You get through this lose and now you save someone else!"
I look at him and smile trying to get him to smile a little bit back.
"A little smile? For your wife?"
He chuckles and smiles at me and kisses me,
"You always know what to say to make me feel better"
I kiss him back and smile,
"I try my best. Now let's get back out there and save some lives."
He nods and stands up with me.
"What time do you get off" He asks as he walk out of the door.
"I get off then too. Come to ER when you're done and then we can to get Noah and Derek and then go get the girls." He says to me.
I nod and kiss his cheek then walk back to the surgical floor.
When three o clock hits I walk down to the ER and see Owen sitting at the desk chatting with an intern. I walk over and stand by the desk and he looks over at me,
"Amelia! This is Josh. He wants to be a trauma surgeon" He says as he smiles at me.
I smile and hold my hand out to shake his hand,
"I'm Dr. Hunt also. But you can call me Amelia. I'm his wife"
He introduces himself to me and then I look back at owen,
"Are you ready to go?"
He nods and says goodbye to Josh and then comes over to me and we walk to the day care.
"He seems like a nice guy" I smile and say.
Owen nods and says, "He really is. I can tell he's gonna be good too"
We get to the daycare and sign out Noah and Derek. We walk out to the car and drive to school and get the girls and then go home. We walk in the house and see Megan and...Nathan.

Owen's POV:
"Nathan. Hey" I say as I walk into the kitchen to start dinner.
Nathan and I texted while on vacation and we solved our problems. We are getting to be friends again.
"Are you staying for dinner?" I ask him while getting out the noddles to make spaghetti.
He shrugs, "I can if you guys want me too"
"Sure you can. Megan would probably enjoy that too"
He smiles and walks out and into the living room with everyone else. I'm cooking the spaghetti when Addie comes into the kitchen and says "daddy"
I look down at her and smile, "What's up sweetheart?"
"Mommy told me I have to ask you this"
I think to myself oh no this can't be good. I lift her up and sit her on the counter.
"Ask away" I look at her and smile.
"Can my friend come over to play?"
"Of course she can Addie!"
"It's a boy daddy"
I look at her, "a boy?"
She nods slowly and smiles, "His name is Jack!"
I chuckle and think about it, "Yes Jack can come over sometime. Tell him to tell his mommy or daddy to call me."
"Thank you daddy!" She gets off the counter and walks back into the living room.
Amelia walks into the kitchen after Addie leaves and comes over to me wrapping her arms around my waist.
"She has a boyfriend?" I ask her.
Amelia laughs and looks up at me,
"Owen she's 6. It's not like they are having sex"
Owen covers his ears and shakes his head, "Don't ever mention our kids having sex. Ever!"
She laughs at me and helps me get plates out.
"I'll be watching them"
"Oh I'm sure you will" she says to me as she takes the plates out to table and lays them out.
"Dinner is ready everyone!" I say into the living room. They all come out and we all settle into the chairs and start eating. Addie and Charlotte share the events of their days at school and Noah talks to Nathan about the airplane we went on. Derek babbles about his stuffed animal from the TV show Paw Patrol. We are all eat and sit at the table and talk for a while longer until everyone is finished.
"Thanks for having me Owen and Amelia." Nathan says as he stands up to help clear up the plates.
"It's no problem Nathan. Come over again sometime"
He smiles at me and nods,
"Megan is coming with me to my place tonight she's gonna stay there"
I nod, "No funny business with my little sister Riggs" I laugh as he hit his back and take the plates in the kitchen. He laughs and says,
"Never Hunt. We'll see you guys at work tomorrow"
"Sounds good. Have a good night" I tell both of them as they walk out of the house.
I wash the dishes then go into the living room.
Amelia looks at me, "The kids want to have a movie night." She smiles.
I smile, "Well it's not a school night so let's do it. We can camp out downstairs for the night"
"Yaayyyy!" The kids all say.
I smile at them,
"Go get your pajamas on and come back down. Mommy and I will get everything set up"
They all go upstairs and Amelia and I look at each other.
"We should make this fun for them" she smiles at me and says.
I nod, "Let's build a fort"
We both laugh and nod and I bring in chairs from the dining room and throw blankets over top of them and then bring the couch cushions under there to make one big bed.
"Let's watch movies on your laptop since we can out DVDs in there." She says to me. I put my laptop in there and go in to make sure it's dark in there to make sure it's great and then throw in some more blankets and pillows.
"It's good!" I peek my head out and say.
Amelia chuckles and comes in there with me. We take a selfie together and she posts it on Facebook with the caption,
"We are probably going to enjoy this fort more than our kids"
I laugh at her caption and then the kids come in the fort and say how awesome it is. Everyone lays down and I get the laptop up so everyone can see it and then we spend the night in the fort watching Disney movies.
Authors Note
Thanks for reading! Little hectic day the Hunt Family. I want to explore more of the Owen and Riggs friendship in this story so look forward to that! And if you guys have any ideas for storylines let me know. Leave some comments!
Preview for next chapter:
Fast forwarding a bit, Amelia and Owen have the first baby appointment. Addison's friend from my school comes over. And probably some surprise stuff!

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