Megan's Surprise

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Amelia's POV:
"Dad was in an accident." I say when all the kids are in the car.
"Is he okay??" Charlotte is the first to ask.
I nod as I start driving,
"He is. But he hurt his head pretty bad."
I hear sniffles and recognize them. I can tell when any of my kids are crying. I glance up in the mirror,
"Olivia, sweetheart. Daddy is okay."
I watch her shake her head,
"I don't want him to be hurt."
I look back at the road and keep driving,
"You kids will make him feel better I'm sure. Aunt Megan was in the accident too."
"Is she okay?" Charlotte asks again.
I nod,
"She was much worse than your dad, but she is gonna be okay too. She had surgery to make her better."
"Good" Charlotte says
I smile and park at the hospital. I open the door for the kids and they get out. We walk into the hospital and go down to the recovery area where Owen and Megan are.
"Stay right here. I'm gonna make sure daddy is awake."
I open the door to his room and see him sitting up,
"Can you handle a few visitors?" I smile at him.
He nods,
"Bring them in"
I open the door and let them in.

Owen's POV:
I see the worried expressions on their faces when they walk in and see me in the bed. They all stand a bit away from the bed.
"You guys can come closer. I'm okay" I smile at them and put out my arm.
Olivia is the first to come over. Such a daddy's girl. She hugs me and I pat the bed for her,
"Come here."
She climbs up and I put my arm around her and kiss her cheek,
"I'm okay baby."
I hold her rubbing her back and the rest of the kids come over.
"You got stitches dad!" Charlotte says pointing to them on the side of my forehead.
I nod,
"I did. Mom did them"
"Really?!" Noah asks quickly looking at Amelia.
Amelia laughs and nods,
"Yes I did"
"Can I touch?" Derek asks me looking at them.
"Just be gentle" I say to him
He reaches his hand up and grazes his hand on my stitches.
"Weird huh?" I ask smiling.
Derek nods and takes his hand away.
"Are we going to see aunt Megan?" Olivia asks looking at Amelia and I.
Amelia nods,
"Yes do you want to go see her now?"
All the kids nod.
I look at Amelia,
"Can I please walk over there. I'll sit down in there"
"Oh fine"
I smile at her and slowly stand up and she holds my hand.
"But you are staying with me."
I chuckle and nod.
We go down to Megan's room with the kids and Amelia pulls a chair over by her bed for me and I sit down.
"Be careful with Megan. She had surgery" Amelia tells the kids as they walk over to her.
"Oh I'm fine Amelia!" Megan says to her as she sits up a bit.
We've all been talking in Megan's room for a few hours when a doctor walks in.
"We got the tests back, your baby is fine Dr. Hunt"
The doctor says as she looks at Megan.
My eyes go wide and I go to say something but no words even come out.
"Uhm surprise" Megan says smiling a little.
I stand up quickly and get dizzy but try to ignore the fact that the room is spinning,
"You're pregnant?! Why didn't you tell me. I'm your brother! Nathan isn't even here what are you going to do!"
I don't hear her response because I pass out and hit the floor.

Amelia's POV:
"Owen!" I run over to him on the floor and look at Addison.
"Addie. Go tell a doctor your dad passed out. Fast"
I watch as she runs out and a few minutes later people come and lift him onto a gurney and take him back to his room.
I leave the kids in the room with Megan and run down to Owen's room.
"What happened? Is he okay?" I ask as I push myself in his room.
Dr. Bailey looks at me,
"He got too fired up. The concussion got to him. He should be fine when he wakes up. He will probably be disoriented again so just calm him down. Don't let him get fired up again. He needs to sleep."
I nod and sit down beside his bed.
He wakes up again and looks around,
"What happened?" He asks me
"You passed out again Owen. You need to not get so fired up. You need to sleep."
He puts his hand on his head,
"It hurts again"
"Sleep Owen"
"lay with me?" He asks looking at me.
I nod and take off my shoes and climb in the bed with him.
I put my head on his shoulder and curl into him as he puts his arm around me.
"Now sleep. For as long as you need."
I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and he falls asleep and I do too not long after.
*Later that day*
I wake up to see Owen still sleeping. I slip out of the bed and walk down to Megan's room where the kids are still with her.
"Is he okay?" Megan asks me as soon as I walk in.
I nod,
"Oh yeah he's fine. He's sleeping right now."
I sit down beside her bed as I'm greeted by Olivia and Derek climbing up on my lap.
"So are you really?" I let myself trail off.
Megan nods and I can see the smile she is trying to hide,
"I am. I found out when Nathan left."
"So he doesn't know?"
She nods and sighs,
"I can't tell him this over the phone Amelia."
"I completely understand" I smile at her
"He was pretty bad wasn't he?"
I sigh,
"Yeah he seemed mad but the way he found out wasn't exactly ideal. If he remembers when he wakes up, you can talk to him. Just keep him calm."
Megan nods,
"I don't want him to be mad at me." She looks down at her stomach.
"Meg he won't. He loves you. This just came as a surprise. I can talk to him about it if you'd like"
Megan nods,
"At least until he's calmer about it. Thank you"
"Anytime. I'm gonna go check on him. Are you okay with the kids?"
"Yeah I'm good. Go ahead"
I lift Derek and Olivia off my lap and go back to Owen's room. I walk in and see he's awake talking to an intern.
"Hey you're awake" I smile at him.
He looks up at me,
"Hey I am. I feel better"
"That's good" I walk over and look at the chart he has in his hand,
"Plan on operating with a concussion?" I say sarcastically.
Owen laughs,
"No I'm just giving my opinion. I know you would never let me in an OR."
I nod,
"Exactly right"
He hands the chart back to the intern and tells him what to do and then the intern leaves.
"We gotta talk about Megan" I say to him as I sit at the end of his bed.
"I know she's pregnant. I remember."
"And why are you mad?"

Owen's POV:
"I'm not mad. She just should have told me before. "
"She was probably afraid Owen."
I sigh and shake my head,
"But I'm her brother, I thought we were closer than that."
"Owen give her a break. Nathan is on duty, she was just in a car accident. And you are shutting her out."
I look up at Amelia,
"Yeah I guess you're right. I'll apologize."
I get out of the bed and Amelia jumps up and grabs my arm,
"Owen! You have to be careful remember"
I roll my eyes,
"Amelia I'm fine. I can walk. I know don't get all fired up I got it" I sigh and walk out of the room and to Megan's room.
"You're so stubborn." I hear Amelia say as she follows me out.
"Dad!" The kids run to me when I come in the room.
"Hi guys" I smile at them, "how about you guys go with mom while I talk to Aunt Megan."
"Okay dad" Charlotte says as the kids follow Amelia out of the room leaving me with Megan. I walk over and sit down beside the bed,
"How are you feeling?"
Megan shrugs,
"I'm okay. How are you?"
"I'm okay too. I want to apologize Megan"
"I'm listening" Megan says looking at me.
"I'm sorry I overreacted earlier. And I got a little worked up..."
Megan sighs,
"It's okay Owen. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before"
I move closer to the bed,
"It's fine, I'm happy for you"
"You are?" She looks at me and smiles.
I smile,
"Of course I am Meg. I can be uncle Owen now."
Megan chuckles,
"Come here I want to hug you"
I laugh and stand up and bend over her and hug her.
"You're gonna make a great uncle" She says to me.
"And you're gonna make a great mom Megan."
Authors Note:
Hey guys, this update took a lot longer than expected. Really sorry about that. It's hard to figure out where I want this to go 😂 and I'm busy with school a lot. But I'll try and update as often as I can. Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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