The Surprise

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It has been 2 long weeks since Owen left Amelia. Today after that time away he comes back...
Owen's POV:
I turn my phone on in the morning and see texts, calls, voicemails not only from Amelia but all my friends as well. I go to the door beside my hotel room and knock and greet my friend, Teddy Altman. Who has been helping me through all of this. She came and stayed next door the past two weeks. I bring her into my room.
"Today's the day Teddy"
"It is?" She smiles at me proud of me.
I nod, "I'm going home. I don't even know if Amelia will want to see me."
"Owen of course she will! She probably missed you so much."
I start packing up my stuff again and look at my phone I have Amelia's schedule in my phone as well.
"She's working today. Maybe I'll surprise her at the hospital."
"Yes do that"
"Come visit me sometime. I miss you" I chuckle and hug her.
"I'd love to meet the family sometime. I'll think about it Owen. Now go get your family back. "
She gives me a light push and I pick up everything and head out to my car. I hop in and start driving to the hospital.

Amelia's POV:
I just arrived at the hospital for my shift for the 3rd day in a row. I severely need a break from this place. I walk into the ER to check on patients who need a head consult.
I'm working when someone says,
"Excuse me Dr. Shepherd"
I stop what I'm doing and listen to the voice and instantly turn around and already have tears in my eyes,
I walk over to him and hug him.
"Oh my god I missed you so much. Please don't leave me Owen I need you here so badly."
He fully embraces me and kisses my head,
"I'm back Mia. I'm back"
I wipe off my face and look at him,
"Are you okay now? Like do you want to talk? We can"
He shakes his head and smiles at me,
"I'm okay. We are gonna be okay Amelia. I love you don't ever forget that"
He puts his hands on my face and kisses me. I kiss him back and hug him again and stand there with my arms wrapped around him.

Owen's POV:
"Mia as much as I like this hug you can't hold me forever"
I chuckle as I rub her back as she is still hugging me with her head on my chest.
"But I don't want to let you go"
She says as her voice is muffled into my shirt.
"I'll let you hold me at home."
"Okay okay"
She lets go of me and holds my hand.
"Let's go home. Edwards will cover for me. The kids will want to see you"
I nod, "we can go" I saw as I start walking out with her holding her hand. She takes her car home and I take mine and we both park and get out at the house. I look at the living room window and see four kids heads peeking out. Then the door bursts open and they all run to me.
I pick up little Derek and hold him first and then hug the rest of the kids and take them inside as they are also all hanging on me.
Amelia follows us in and shuts the door.
"Daddy we missed you!"
"I missed you guys too but I'm home now. Come sit on the couch we can watch cartoons"
I walk over to the couch and they all climb on top of me and Amelia sits next to me and puts her head on my shoulder. Megan comes into the living room and looks at me.
"Megan. I'm so-"
She doesn't even let me finish before she comes over and pulls me up and hugs me.
"You don't have to apologize Owen. I'm just glad you're back"
I hug her back
"Be with Nathan. I know he likes you. He deserves another chance. Give it to him Meg"
"Are you sure?"
"I'm positive go for it" I smile at her
I sit back down with Amelia and the kids and Megan sits on the other side of me and we all have a nice afternoon watching the kids favorite shows.
1 week later
"Owen! You what!?"
"I rescheduled all of your surgeries and told Bailey to let you have a two week vacation. So we can go on vacation. I don't think it's that hard to understand" I laugh as I look at her shocked face.
"You got us a vacation?! Like we are both off for two weeks? And we are going out of Seattle??"
"Yes that is what a vacation is. Just us and the kids on a Hawaii."
I laugh at her reaction and nod,
"You always wanted to go to Hawaii and we never got to go on a honeymoon there just now we have kids but I still think it will be fun"
She starts to cry and I quickly go over to her.
"Amelia I thought this is good news, are you mad at me?"
"No Owen these are happy tears. I'm crying because I'm so happy"
I hug her and kiss her and smile.
"Do you want to see the house we are staying in? I can show you on my laptop"
She nods and I sit down on the bed with her and pull it up.
"It's right on the beach, there is also a swimming pool too and a hot tub."
I start clicking through the pictures and showing her all the bedrooms and everything else.
"We can probably see the beach from our master bedroom"
"I'm so excited. The kids are gonna love it! They've never been to the beach before. And we will be celebrating your birthday when we are there won't we!"
I nod, "Yes we are. I didn't plan for that but that's how it happened"
We both laugh and she hugs me again,
"Let's go tell the kids"
I go into all their rooms and tell them to come downstairs
They all come downstairs and sit on the couch and Amelia and I stand in front of them.
"Daddy planned something very special for us guys. You have to be sure to thank him too"
"What is it?" They all ask at the same time.
"We are going to Hawaii!" I say
They all look at me confused.
I laugh, "We are going to the beach. And Noah we get to go on an airplane to go there."
His eyes light up and yells,
He has always wanted to go on an airplane before as he loves those almost as much as his trains.
I laugh and nod.
"You guys get to play in the sand and in the water at the beach."
"Can we build a sandcastle there?" Charlotte asks me and I nod,
"Duh of course we can!"
They all hug me and say thank you and I tell them to go back upstairs and think about what they want to do there.
"we leave in two days. So we better get packing" I say to Amelia as she laughs,
"Thanks for the heads up"
We both go upstairs and get bags out.
"I get the honor of seeing you in a bikini for two weeks!" I smirk at her as she hits me with a pillow.
"I could try them on for you now so you can decide which ones I should take"
"Oh that would be a great idea. Let's do it" I shut our bedroom door and I sit down on the bed.
"Okay let me get them out"
She goes over to the dresser and pulls out many bikinis and throws them on the bed. She picks up a black one first.
"You'll definitely be taking that one I can tell already"
I lean back on my arms and wait for her to tell me to look.
She changes into the black bikini and then tells me to look and I sit up and admire her.
"That one looks amazing on you."
She blushes and smiles and comes over and kisses me and just to be a pest I pull her onto my lap and with one hand untie the back of the bikini.
"hm easy to take off too good one"
She pushes me back and gets off my lap and laughs,
"You can be such a typical guy sometimes Owen Hunt"
I laugh at her comment and shrug,
"Sorry sometimes I can't resist. My hand has a mind of its own"
"Oh I know" she says as she changes into another one.
We go through many bikinis which all look amazing on her but we narrow it down and she packs the ones we both agreed on.
She packs the rest of her bag and I pack mine.
"How about you pack the girls bags and I'll pack the boys" I ask her and she nods.
"Let's do that"
We both leave the room and I pack Noah's and Derek's bag and Amelia gets Addisons and Charlottes. I take everyone's bags downstairs and set them in the living room.
Megan isn't coming with us because she can't get off work but she is going to stay at the house to make sure no one breaks in or anything.

Amelia's POV:
I am beyond excited to be going to Hawaii with my family. I can't wait for the warm and sunny weather. I've even tired of the rainy Seattle weather lately. I also can't even remember the last time I went to the beach probably when I lived in LA. The next day goes by super slow because I'm too excited for the day after that cause that's when we are leaving. I'm also so happy that we get to let the kids experience how fun the beach can be. And Hawaii is absolutely beautiful in my opinion.
The day they are leaving
Today is the day! We all wake up really early because we have to be at the airport to get our flight. Owen is already downstairs putting our bags in the car with the help with Megan who actually got the two weeks off as well! It took a lot of convincing to Bailey but it happened and she is coming with us while Owens mom stays at the house. It takes a lot of skill to fit all our bags in the car. I laugh as I go outside and watch Owen and Megan struggle to fit them in. Around 6:00 AM is when we all pile in the car and Owen does one last check around the house to make sure we aren't forgetting anything then gets back in and we start our drive to the airport. Any other time I go to airport it's either to take Owen there so he can leave or go their to pick up him. It's going to be great knowing that we all can go together this time. We get to the airport and take our bags in and go through security and everything which takes entirely too long in my opinion. But after an hour we finally get to the plane on time and we all find our seats. People probably think we are one big crazy family but we all couldn't be more excited to go on this trip. I get a little nervous as the plane takes off but Owen holds my hand and ensures me we are fine and I smile at him and say thank you once again which results in a quick kiss before Noah yells at us. Our plane is officially in the air and on the way to Hawaii.
Preview for next chapter:
HUNT FAMILY VACATION!! Be ready to see all the fun the Hunts have on their vacation in Hawaii!
Also guys: I've just created another book with Omelia one shots! It won't have anything to do with these ones but it would mean a lot if you went and read it! I posted the first one shot yesterday called Love at first sight. Go read it and comment some suggestions if you have any! Thank you!

Complicated Love Story(Omelia, Grey's Anatomy)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz