Special Date Night

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Amelia's POV:
I can't help but be scared about being pregnant. The last time I was pregnant my baby was born without a brain and lived for only 43 minutes. But that was when I was in a bad place. I was using drugs and drinking a lot. I've been sober thanks to Owen. I'm confident that we are going to have this baby, and it will have a brain and it will be perfect. I smile softly to myself as I walk down the hall and go to the cafeteria to meet Owen. I walk in and sit down at the table and go on my phone and wait for him. I start getting hungry and get up and walk over to the line to order.

Owen's POV:
I walk into the cafeteria and see the back of Amelia's head standing in the line. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her back.
"Oh my god" she jumps and I laugh and look at her, "Hey" she laughs and hits my side, "You scared me Hunt"
"Well sorry but it was pretty funny" I smile at her and turn to the lady and order my food. We go down the line and I take out my wallet and pay for our lunch and walk down to the table. She sits down across from me and we start eating.
I look up at her, "Have you told anyone yet?"
She shakes her head, "no one besides Meredith I think we should wait a little bit"
I nod in agreement "That's a good idea actually. We will wait a little."
She smiles and keeps eating and I eat too and we finish a little later.
I clear my throat, "So I was thinking about us going out tonight. What do you think?"
She looks at me "Where were you thinking?"
"Well that would ruin the surprise if I told you" I chuckle and say.
She groans, "Owen you know I don't like surprises!"
"You'll like this Amelia. At least I hope so" I smile a little nervous at what is supposed to happen tonight.
She smiles softly, "I'm trusting you Owen" We both get up and throw our trash away and walk down the hall.
"I've got a surgery to do, I'll meet you in the lobby later deal?"
She nods, "I'll see you then. I love you"
"I love you too" I say as I kiss her quickly on the cheek and walk down the hall to the OR.

Amelia's POV:
I literally have no clue what my boyfriend has planned. I'm just excited to be spending time with him outside of the hospital. I just love spending time with him, he makes me happy and I make him happy. I walk down the hall smiling and run into Meredith. She chuckles, "Why are you so smiley. Is it the pregnancy hormones already"
"Meredith sh! No one knows yet besides you and Owen obviously. But Owen and I going on a date tonight"
She covers her mouth, "Oops I'm sorry, I won't say anything else. But have fun on your date"
I smile, "I will" She gives me a quick hug and we walk away. I go into an on call room and decide to sleep until my shift is over. I take off my lab coat and lay down on the bed and quickly fall asleep. I sleep for a few hours and wake up and check the time. I notice our shifts are almost over and get up and go down to the attendings lounge and change my clothes. My usual jeans, black jacket and my boots. I walk down to the lobby and see Owen already standing there. "Hey I'm sorry I'm a little late I took a nap" I smile at him
"It's fine lets go" he takes my hand and we walk out of the hospital together.

Owens POV:
I keep my other hand in my pocket and play with the box I have in there. God it's almost time I say in my head trying to stay calm and not seem so nervous. My plan is not the most romantic thing but I think she will enjoy it. We are going to go out to dinner obviously and then come back to my trailer and I'm going to ask her to sit outside with me for a bit, and then when it gets time for her to leave I'll say bye and maybe give her a quick kiss and then she'll start to walk away and I'll get up and run over to her and say, "I'm going to propose to you now so just don't say anything yet". It will be like my whole saying I'm going to kiss her way back when we first started "dating". I smile to myself and get in the car with her and start driving. We go to the restaurant and have a great time filled with lots of smiling, laughing and just really enjoying each other. I take her hand on the way out, "Can we go back to the trailer? The sky is pretty tonight and there is no one else I would want to look at it with besides you" I look down at her and see her blush and nod. I smile and take her back to the car and open the door for her then get in myself and start driving to the trailer.
"Owen" I hear her say
I glance over quickly, "Yeah?"
"We can handle a baby right?"
I nod and reach over with one hand and put it on her leg, "Of course we can Amelia. You will be a great mom."
She smiles, "and you will be a great dad"
I smile as I keep driving still thinking about the box I have in my pocket. We get to the trailer and I help her out and we go and decide to sit down in the grass. I put my arm around her and say, "Hey the stars in the sky are almost as beautiful as you"
She covers her face, "Oweennnn stop you make me blush"
I laugh and kiss her cheek, "I'm sorry I will stop"
She smiles, "Thanks"
We spend a good bit of time sitting in the grass talking about the hospital and just anything really then she says she should get back and I nod and stand up with her.
"I'll see you tomorrow" We kiss and she starts walking away. I smile and let out a deep breath, "it's time" I say to myself quietly.
"Amelia wait" I call out. She stops and I jog over to her. I look at her and smile and she smiles back.
"What?" She says
"Amelia I'm going to propose to you now so just don't say anything yet" I get down on one knee before she can even get out my name.
"Amelia Shepherd, we have no doubt been through hell and back together. We've both hit low points in our lives but we've both came back from them. I can't thank you enough for always being here for you and I will always be here for you. You've taught me that life isn't always easy and things can get really hard but you always have to keep going and not give up, so I want to ask you if you will marry me and continue not giving up with me." I look up at her and smile, "So Amelia will you marry me?" I take out the ring and open it up.

Amelia's POV:
"Owen oh my god" I say as I cover my mouth with tears down my face. I nod and smile, "I will" I pull him up and kiss him and hug him. We pull apart so he can put the ring on my finger. I look at it and smile more.
"It's beautiful Owen"
I kiss him again and he picks me up. "do you have to go?"
I shake my head and look at him, "I'll gladly stay"
We both smile and he carries me inside and we lay in bed and talk about our wedding.
I can't believe I'm marrying Owen Hunt. I could not be happier right now.

Authors Note:
Hey guys! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. It took me a while to figure out how to do it. If anyone has any wedding suggestions please let me know! I'd be happy to use them! Thanks for reading ❤️

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