The Wedding

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Amelia's POV:
It is officially our wedding day. I am getting married to Owen Hunt today. I get out of bed early in the morning and kiss his cheek then grab my stuff and drive to Merediths. She said Owen isn't allowed to see me until the absolute second I walk down that aisle.
"MER IM HERE" I yell as I walk in.
"Amelia! Shh it's 6:00 AM my kids are still sleeping"
I laugh and nod, "sorry about that" I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple and start eating when I hear someone behind me say my name. I quickly turn around and smile big.
"Addie!" I run over and hug her. "What are you doing here?"
"Owen and Meredith told me you were getting married and I surely wasn't going to miss the wedding."
I smile and look at her, "Well since you are here I need a maid of honor so wanna take charge and be that?"
"I would love too Amelia!" Addison says. I can tell she is already more excited than I probably am. "Where's the dress? And what time do you have to be at the church?"
"Dress is upstairs and I sure hope it fits. And wedding is at 4:00 so should be there obviously before that."
Meredith walks in the kitchen and says, "We have to get moving now. Upstairs I'll do your make up and hair. And then we will take the dress to the church and put it on there."
I nod and finish eating the apple and go upstairs and sit down in the chair.
**Few hours later**
"Okay the makeup and hair is done." Meredith says and hands me a mirror.
"Wow" I smile and say. "This is really happening." I take a deep breath and put the mirror down.
"Are you okay Amelia?" Addie sits down beside me and asks.
I nod a little and say, "I guess. I'm just kinda nervous. I mean first I get pregnant and we buy a house and now we are getting married and it's just a lot to take in."
"Hey I'm sure Owen is nervous too. Do you want to call him and at least talk to him?"
I nod, "yes please. He always knows how to calm me down even over the phone."

**Phone Call**
A: Hey

O: Hi my soon to be wife, how is everything going over there?

A: Owen I'm scared

O: *worried* Hey I'm here, just talk to me. I'm listening Mia.

A: We bought a house, we are going to have a baby and now we are getting married and I'm really scared we are moving too fast. And I really don't want to this to cause problems because I really love you and I'm just totally stressing out right now and I think it's all the hormones *keeps rambling on til Owen cuts her off*

O: Amelia Amelia. Slow down

A: What?

O: I know this is scary. This is new for both of us. But we have been through a lot of bad stuff together. This is all the good stuff Amelia. We can raise a child, we will be good parents. And we will have a fantastic wedding because I love you very much too and I know everything will be fine.

A: *smiles softly while on the phone* Thank you Owen. I think I'm good now. We are going to the church so I can get the dress on and then I guess it's time.

O: Yes it will be. I'll see you at the alter Amelia. I love you

A: I love you too.

**End of call**

Owen's POV:
*wedding is about to start*
I'm standing there waiting for my soon to be wife to walk down the aisle. I look around and see all my friends and family and smile. This is it I think to myself. The doors open up and I see her. Everyone stands up and I start smiling more just looking at her. She looks so beautiful, I actually start to tear up a bit and quickly wipe my face. She walks up and I turn and look at her.
"You look beautiful" I take her hands and say to her.
She blushes and looks at me.
We stand there through all the talking and then it is time for vows. "Owen Hunt your vows"
I take a deep breath and look into Amelia's eyes, "Amelia Shepherd, you have taught me so much. You have taught me never to give up no matter how hard life gets. But most importantly you showed me that I was able to find love again. The day I met you I knew you were something special. I didn't care about your past and you didn't care about mine. Yes we are damaged but we can now be damaged together for the rest of our lives. I wouldn't want to be marrying anyone else right now, you have completed my life and I am very glad to soon be able to call you my wife." I finish talking and see her starting to cry. She wipes off her face and looks at me.
"Owen Hunt. I don't know how I am supposed to top those vows. But I will try. You have never left my side and was always there for me when I really don't deserve anyone. You know how to handle my crazy sassyness that drives some people crazy. We are going to get the family both of us has always dreamed of. I want to also thank you for helping me through everything and never giving up on this relationship. Because we were never really an easy going relationship. We certainly had our ups and downs but right now I couldn't be happier to be marrying you." We both smile and I can now hear other people crying.
"You may now kiss the bride Owen" Once I hear him say that I quickly wrap my arms around Amelia and kiss her.
We stay kissing probably much longer than we are supposed too but pull apart when everyone starts clapping and cheering. I kiss her again softly and smile, "I love you Amelia Shepherd-Hunt"
"I love you too Owen Hunt" She says as I sweep her off her feet and start to carry her out of the church with everyone following us.

Authors note:
Hey guys! Sorry for the very very long wait. But there it was. The wedding chapter! I really want to continue making this so I will try my hardest, thank you for 1K reads. It truly means a lot. I'm glad you are enjoying this story, and thank you for reading ❤️

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