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Yuki's POV
Is Sam really two timing me? Is this true? This can't be true....can it?
Taurtis;Y-Yuki, I was thinking we all go down to the hospital (J,Salex,Yuki and Taurtis)
Salex;We gotta check if he's ok...
J;Guys I'm gonna give him the limited edition hunter X hunter book, to make him feel better
Taurtis;I can hold on to that for you~
J;Nah, it's fine
Yuki;-mumbles- Did he really two time me...
Taurtis;Of course not! He loves you! Let's go visit him!
Yuki;I don't think I can go
J;Why not?
Yuki;What if he is two timing me...
Salex;Yuki! Snap out of it! Sam would never do that to you! He would risk his life for you!
Yuki;That doesn't mean he loves me.
Okami;Everyone, school dismissed!
Taurtis, J, and Salex went to visit Sam in the hospital without Yuki
Third Person POV
Sam's still passed out... He's lying on the hospital bed...
Salex;I wonder if Yuki's gonna be ok
Taurtis;I wonder that but also I wonder if Sam will be ok...
J;Hmmm... Do you think he'll wake up?
Salex;Don't say that!
J puts the limited hunter X hunter book on a table near Sam
Sam's POV
I'm in the hospital room...I hope Yuki's here, I hope Dom didn't corrupt her... I love her...does she love me? Ugh, Sam you can't think like that! Will I wake up? If I don't...will she still love me? I can't keep thinking like this...
I woke up
Third person POV
Everyone;YOUR AWAKE!!!
Sam;Where's Yuki?
Taurtis;W-Well she not here?
Sam;-Whispers- Does she care?
Salex;I heard that and of course she cares....
J;Sam, calm down
Sam's POV
And with that I ran out of the room and to Yuki (Sookie and Soul's place). Sookie told me that Yuki was upstairs and that she heard crying...
I ran up stairs and to Yuki's room. She threw a pillow at me and screamed for me to get out...I felt like I just had a thousand arrows shoot my heart...I knew she was in pain (mentally) and it was my fault even if people say it wasn't it is. I didn't protect her, I need to protect her physically and mentally. Even if she didn't want me there I still came and sat on her bed as she cried and hugged me. I let her cry into my arms...I just sat there and held her as tight as I could, I never wanted this to end, she looked up at me and smiled and I just kept hugging her... Like this was the end and I kissed her forehead

Oh my gord! The feels... Hope you enjoyed! I really worked hard on this part even if it isn't long or it didn't take me long but anyway, have a great day!

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