My Little Ol' Knife

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Sam's POV
I walked around, near the sidewalk with my old friend Knifey and saw Grian. Wonder what he's doing out here. He looked at me then down at my hand that was clutching the knife. His eyes went big than looked back up at me. He opened his mouth is if he was going to speak than closed it again. He shot me a painful stare than finally broke the silence.
"Not this again." He mumbled.
"Sorry, I have to do what's needed." I replied.
"Remember what happened last time?" He asked.
"The past is the past." I say back.
"SAM! GIVE ME THE KNIFE!" Grian yelled at me as he lunged for my knife.
I moved to the side and he went face first into the cement sidewalk.
"Haha!" I laughed
He stood up and traced one of his fingers over the gash from the fall. As he traced over the cut he flinched in pain.
"ouch." He said, his expression was unreadable. It was blank, I've never seen him like this before...perhaps I did this? That can't be it! I'm such a close friend to him! He should be thanking me!
"Bye, Sam."  Grian said as he walked away, holding his cheek were he had gotten cut.
"What do you mean? Your not going back to England till a month."
"Change of plans, Sam!" He spat at me, this isn't like him.
"Hey, Grian. Are you okay...?" I asked looking at him.
"No! First it's you going insane and I get my life ruined because of it then Ellen breaks up with me then Silly comes along and I like her but then Taurtis also did.......I JUST CANT DEAL WITH YOUR KNIFE AND INSANE DRAMA!" He raised his voice the more he talked.
"Sorry, Sam....I'm over reacting." He apologized.
"No your not, think about all the times you were there for me.....even when I was out of my mind...." I dropped my knife and took a step forwards to him.
"Let's go home. You can talk to Yuki and/or J tomorrow but I'm coming with." Grian said as he lead the way home.
Maybe it's best to talk to them with Grian, he'll make sure I keep my sanity. Yeah, that's how it'll go. Perfect!

Sorry for not updating, I broke my phone and I'll update more I promise! I'll try to get on my computer and iPad, which I am using now, so I can update. I hope you guys understand. I'll make more chapters and try to make them longer. I am greatly sorry for not updating. Anyways! ^-^! Hope,you enjoyed!

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