Open Up....Its Been A While...

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Taurtis's POV
It's been a month and Sam's been really depressed and putting on a fake smile all the time, as best friends I'd know. Yuki would give him sideways glances and he looked like the world from under him has just been taken. He mostly goes into the bathroom and I hear like sobs then mumbling....
Taurtis;Hey Sam, are you in there~!
He said through sobs.
Taurtis;Come on let's go and play~!
Sam;This is not the time for Frozen Taurtis. Haahah!
He let out a light chuckle.
Taurtis;Come on, let's go and playyyy~!I never see you anymore, come out the door let's go and plaaaaayyyyy~! We used to be best buddies but now we're not, I wish you would tell me why~!
He opened the door and grabbed my hand and started to run to our couch and he sat down and handed me a gamecrab controller as he took one for himself.
Taurtis;Let's get Grian in a Skype call to play!
Sam;Then let's team up against him! Haha!
Taurtis;See, there's the Sam I know! Ha!
After a while of playing gamecrab with Sam and Grian! We went to the bus stop! Pete said the bus could fly! We went to go pick up Grian!
At the bus stop
Grian;Hey guys!
Sam;Hi! Hey guys! Let's go to the playground and we might see Dom!

We became friends with Dom after a while.
At the playground
Sam's POV
I saw Yuki walking down the sidewalk, Sookie and Soul were trying to cheer her up but she looked dead inside, J was there too. He was trying to cheer her up.
She glanced at me and gave me a slight smile, I guess it was because I was having loads of fun and I was goofing and gaughing again. I sorta felt bad. It's been a month since I've talked to her, she's probably been going through more then me. Why am I being so inconsiderate! I need to say something to her!
I ran over to her. She didn't look up from the ground.
Sam;YUKI! Yuki! Yuki.....yuki....
Yuki;I'm glad to see you like this, I know Taurtis missed the old you, and I have too, so seeing you like this has brought joy to me, thanks Sam.
Yuki;......*light sob* -mumbles- I missed you Sam....
Sam;....Say that again.....
Sam;Say something I'm giving up on you, sorry that I couldn't get to you, anywhere I would've followed you. Say something.....I'm giving up on you....
Yuki;I missed y--
And with that I kissed her, the first time on the lips. It was sweet and passionate and the greatest thing I could've asked her for....
I pulled away.
Sam;I love you, Yuki.
Yuki;I love you too, Sam.
J; *cough cough*
Soul;Don't ruin the moment!
Grian;There goes a perfect -mumbles chapter....I MEAN perfect love scene!
Taurtis;WE SHOULD CELEBRATE!!! TORITOS FOR ALL!!! You can get them at your local shop!
Yuki;You okay J?
J;Your not dating so yeah.
Him and Yuki let out a chuckle
J;Just want you to be happy *cough cough* with me.
She playfully punched him in the shoulder.
J;Im still going to kiss you~!
He ran off laughing as Yuki chased him.
Grian;This was an interesting first day.
Taurtis;An interesting month.
Sookie;At least it's back to normal

Don't worry this is not the end! Also sorry for da feels! Don't throw stuff at me, I made a good chapter, I think, THAT DOESNT MATTER!!!! Shhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!Hope you enjoyed!

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