Happy Valentines Day, Taurtis...

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Taurtis's POV
I turn around and see....Ellen....
(Got it wrong guys! I was thinking about doing Salex but nah!)
Why does her voice sound like Salex's voice? What's going on?!
Ellen;The spirits speak through me...Salex speaks. She still loves you Taurtis and wants you to move on.
Taurtis;H-How can I move on?
Ellen;Salex doesn't wish to hold you back.--
Taurtis;B-But I love her!
Ellen;You will see her.--
Taurtis;As a ghost?
Taurtis;I can be in to ghosts! I'm into ghosts!
Ellen;Move on.....there are other people who like you, love you, even.
Taurtis;B-But it's like c-cheating.....
Ellen;Move on, it's for the best.
Taurtis;I'll try.....
Ellen; Happy Valentines Day Taurtis...
Have I really been here this whole time?! I mean the funeral was at night but still! It's the next day....well off to the store.
I got to the store and bought a box of chocolates and I bought some flowers. I went and put them near Salex's grave.
Taurtis;-Whispers- Happy Valentines Day, My Love~.
I turned around to head home when I felt something touch my shoulder. I turned around and saw the ghost of Salex Brown a few feet away. I came closer to her and she started going upwards to the sky. She quickly kissed me and I kissed back then she was gone all I could hear were the words mumbled "Happy Valentines Day, Taurtis, My Love~." I felt my heart skip a beat as I walked home.....Happy Valentines Day, Salex, My love~.

I'm probably going to do the Q/A next chapter so remember to give me questions! Thanks guys!! Hope you enjoyed!

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