Insane Little Fantasies

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Sam's POV
Grian and me walked home and were greeted by an annoyed and sleepy Taurtis. He shoved us in and gave Grian a blanket. Yet our couch was gone because the Yakuza took it.
"Where am I going to sleep?" Grian asked us as he rubbed his droopy eyes.
Taurtis and me looked at each other as our smirks grew.
"The closet!" I shouted as Taurtis shouted "Bed Buddies!".
I looked at Taurtis as he frowned and gave Grian a pillow to go with his blanket that doesn't even go down to his waist.
"Isn't there somewhere else I can go?" Grian asked as he was on the verge of sleep.
"Nope, sorry not sorry." I said as I pushed him into the closet and shoved the closet door shut.
I heard a thud, I guess he hit the closet floor on his way in. He'll be fine, pffffft. A little floor never hurt anyone.....but Grian.
Taurtis and me walked to our bunkbeds as he kept glancing at the closet I shoved Grian in.
"Get a life." I murmured at him.
"Shut up! Your the one who's insane and is basically drooling over some maniac lunatic!" He yelled at me as he whipped his head around to look at me after briefly starring at the closet for a good two minutes.
"Whatever Taurtis! Your not the same anymore!" I yelled at him as I put my hand on his chest and shoved him backwards, causing him to almost trip but catch himself.
"Sam, after meeting've changed......your not the boy I met with that six carrots who would smell my fish I named Mr. Fish. Or the boy who sat with me till I got the courage to go up the steps at a new school I wasn't familiar with. What happened Sam? Tell me." He asked me well looking me dead straight in my eyes.
"I wish I could tell you, Taurtis.....I wish I could. Say tomorrow, let's just hang out." I smiled at him as he beamed his shiny white teeth at me with his closed eye smile.
"That'd be fun, Sam." He glanced at me, still smiling as he went to the top bunk of our beds.
I laid down, not bothering to change (neither did Taurtis). I soon drifted off to sleep.
Sam's Dream;
There I was, Grian was with me and I was going to talk to Yuki. Taurtis stood there with us, he was annoyed...I had promised him a day of fun and now he has to deal with this. I knocked on Yuki's door and surprise, surprise! It's J and Yuki. I grabbed a knife from my pocket and chased after J, pinning him to the wall. The knife was at his throat, no where to go now.
Taurtis and Grian both grabbed my arms pulling me back as I chucked the knife at J's head and then....
End Of Dream:
I woke up, breathing heavily and sweating a bit. Grian and Taurtis stood above me, their faces stained with worried looks.
"Thank Gord your awake!" Grian exclaimed, his now worried look became one filled with joy.
Taurtis looked relieved.
"Hey, Grian?" I asked, now turning my attention towards him.
"Yeah, Sam?"
"Tomorrow, we're not going to Yuki's or J's place. We're hanging out, the three of us." I said, I can't get over that did feel good but I'll do anything to avoid it.
"Cool!" Grian and Taurtis high-fived each other.

What's with Sam's dream?! Sorry for not updating guys. I got a little writers block.....and a sunburn......maybe a lot of sunburns........don't ask. >~<. Hope you enjoyed!

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