Chapter 12 - New Orleans

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Evelyn's Mind

This is amazing for once in my life I feel free, for once I don't feel anything no pain, no regret, nothing I love it!! since Mystic Falls is a shit town to live in, I think I'm going to go back to my hometown of New Orleans, my town!

I don't need to pack as most of my things are already there and now time to do the classic vampire hitchhiking trick also I haven't fed in a while so I need blood, I go out to the border of Mystic Falls and casually lie in the middle of the road and wait, only a couple of minutes and a car stops "shit are you okay", " I cant feel anything" I reply meaning I literally cant feel at all "crap! Fuck! Okay just...just wait there, I'll get help" he says running back to his car so I speed up behind him "oh that wont be necessary" he spins around quickly "h-how did you-" he says but I cut him off "okay I'm going to ask you one or maybe two questions got it?" I say compelling him "name?" "Jasper Blake", "any family here?" "no" I nod, he looks around 18 "ok listen to me and listen carefully, you are going to drive me to New Orleans and stay with me till I say otherwise" he nods "good lets go" I get into his car and put my feet up on the dashboard he goes to start the car before I stop him "wait give me your arm", "what?" he asked abit scared and confused but I look in his eyes and compel him again "" I say slowly and he does and I sink my teeth into his wrist and he flinches "okay, now drive" he starts the car and drives and I turn the radio on and run this town by Rihanna was playing ( song for the chapter)I check my phone and I see 3 voice mails and 5 missed calls of Kol and 3 missed calls of Elijah and Klaus I cant let them find me they'll make me turn it back on and I cant let that happen, I don't feel pain when I'm like this, I feel alive...well as alive as an vampire could possibly be "hey are you okay?" Jasper's voice snaps me out of my thoughts "what? yea, why?" , " well you just kinda crushed your phone into pieces" I look at my hand and my phone was literally smashed shit! I guess I need a new one.

Kol's Mind

"I've looked everywhere for here she isn't in Mystic Falls" I shout slamming the door behind me walking back into the house trying to call her again and get no answer I throw my phone and slump on to the sofa with my head in my hands yet again "we will find her kol" Elijah says to me fixing his suit yet again.

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