Chapter 20

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She falls to the floor, I roll my eyes. So pathetic. The deputy goes to check on her. I stay back, crossing my arms and tapping my foot.

Waiting for her to wake up. The door opens, I look up and see..Jack.

*Jacks POV*

I open the door, only to see Elsa on the floor. "Elsa! What happened?"

"She fainted. I called an ambulance to come and check her vitals when she wakes up."

"But why did she faint?" I ask, I put Elsas head in my lap. "That's something I'll have to explain to you both when she wakes up. Deputy Sam, take the rookie back to the station."

He nods his head and goes to the woman. He grabs her arm, she jerks it away. "I can drive myself."

She storms out, slamming the door behind her. I roll my eyes at the officers action.

She seems familiar. Elsas eyes flutter open, she sits up suddenly.

Her eyes searching the room. I put my hands on her face, making her face me. "Elsa calm down. You fainted."

"She was here. She was here!"

"Who was here?"


"What?!" My eyes go wide, I look at the sheriff. "I'll explain after the paramedics leave."

A few minutes later they come. Checking her reflexes, eyes and pulse. They finish taking her pulse and take the strap off her arm.

"Alright, you're good to go ma'm."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, y'all have a goodnight."

"You too." We all tell him, he smiles and leaves. I turn to look at the sheriff.
"Alright, it's time I explained myself."

I help Elsa up, and lead her to the couch. The sheriff sits in front of us.

"Stalking is a...complicated case to work."

"How hard is it? Tooth hit Elsa over the head, busted her car window, threw a brick through her apartment window with a note threatening Elsas life. And to top it all off, she shot her."

"If we arrest her for those things now, the most she'll get is a few months in jail. But we can put her in prison for five years, if we add an aggravated stalking charge."

"That's not good enough."

"That's all we can do, I'm sorry."

"Okay well that doesn't explain why you don't arrest her right now. And, why she's posing as a police officer." Elsa tells him. She's clearly frustrated.

"We need to catch her in the act of stalking you. If she's caught in the act, and we get a confession, we can put her away for a long time in federal prison."

"What if Elsa gets hurt before you can?"

"We won't let that happen."

"Neither will I." I glare at the sheriff. He's putting Elsas life in danger, for something that could take months.

"I'm sorry if this seems ridiculous, but it's something a team of detectives has settled on. They specialize in stalking cases. So I trust their judgement on how to handle this."

I sigh, and put my head down. "Fine. Elsa what do you think?"

She looks up at us. "If it's the best thing you can do than fine. But don't let her inside my house ever again."

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