Wednesday, October 16th

21 2 0

I am a horrible human being. Complete and straight up awful. We were sitting at lunch when Alex said, "Oh isn't it great, Cassandra?" I knew she was talking about her new found love with my Justin.

I looked up at her lazily and replied on a snide tone, "Huh? Oh. Um...sure?" I the rolled my eyes and looked at Jamie, like, "Can you believe this?" Alex pursed her lips.

"You seem...sarcastic."

I could tell she was trying to be nice. She leaned her head against Justin's shoulder. I turned to a confides Jamie and pretended to gag. Ella started to look mad. Justin looked confused. I suddenly had everyone's attention.

" just seems a little...fake. Sure you're happy now, but only because of how early on imn the relationship it is. I mean, isn't this how all of them start? Don't act like you guys are some special
case or something."

I already had a plan. This was step one. Get them doubting their selves. Make them insecure about their love life. It would still take time to see how it would all work out, but so far it seemed good.

Now we sit back and wait for it to happen.

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