Sunday, November 9th

11 3 0

 At church today, Alex asked if she could talk to me, after Lily, Jamie, and I all sang a song about being thankful and stuff because of what the Lord has given us. I'd never sang it before, and I had just been told that morning that we were going to sing it, so I can't remember hardly any of it. 

Anyways, she pulled me and Jamie aside and said, "I need help." 

I instantly felt my heart beat faster. I already knew what this was about before a fourth word had left her lips, but I looked at her with my best "perplexed look" on my face and said, "What's wrong?" 

She pursed her lips and raised her eyebrows, her hands clutching her navy blue skirt, and occasionally brushing at her white shirt. 

"I think I have a little...admirer?" she looked at us almost pleadingly. 

"Oh my God, who?" asked Jamie. She looked upset. 

"I don't know. It's kind of a secret...but they've been leaving notes in my locker that are from "X". He knows about Justin, too..." 

"Doesn't he have any common courtesy? You don't like a girl that's taken. It's just...wrong." 

I nodded, feeling heat rise to my face. 

"Why are you so red, Cassandra?" asked Alex, not calling me by my nickname. 

"I-I'm just so mad. What about Justin? What is he gonna do?" 

Phew. Nice save Cassie. 

"I...kinda don't want to tell Justin." Alex looked at the ground, obviously feeling guilty. 

"Oh my God, Alex. You have got to tell him," said Jamie. 

I felt my heart flutter. The plan was finally, finally beginning to work. She was reacting in the perfect way! She wasn't going to tell Justin...she kept it from him. 

"Alex...tell Justin," I said quietly. I really didn't want her to, but I needed to seem believable, like I was all for being the perfect friend, with both of their interest at heart. 

"No! I'm so scared about what he'll do...he has quite...a temper. I've...It's been like this for weeks..." 

Months, I thought. 

"And you haven't bothered to tell us? Any of us?" 

"I was scared of how you would act! You're acting the exact way that I thought that you would."

"You have to tell Justin." It's me who speaks. I sound like I'm upset because I am. I really am upset that she didn't come out with this sooner. She's supposed to be a trusting girlfriend. 

This is perfect. Plan is going accordingly.  

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