Thursday, October 17th

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I walked into school today expecting them to be totally insecure and worrying that their relationship was as good as gone, upset that it wasn't strong enough. They weren't. In fact, it seemed like they had gotten stronger. They walked in the school holding hands, smiling at eachother. 

It was sick. 

"Hey! Cassie!" Justin called, as he saw me a few feet down the hall in front of them. I turned at them and suppresed a small smile. 

"Hey." My voice was quiet. This was not good. I felt like a character in a book. We're past the resolution and now at the point of conflict. The rising action I tried to take...well, I've reached another conflict. 

I heard a small voice in my head. "Abort! Abort!" I almost did, but instead I said, casually, "What's up, guys?" Alex leaned her head on Justin's shoulder and pecked him on the cheek. He turned red. It was near impossible to fight off the roll of my eyes and gagging, but I managed. 

 "Well..." she started. She glanced at Justin and giggled. "Um...we were thinking about what you said, and we decided something-" she started to say something else, but Justin jumped in. "You're wrong, Cassandra." 

I felt like I had been punched. Justin never called me Cassandra. I was strictly Cassie, or Cass. I looked at them with what I hope was an innocent looked and tried to make my voice smooth as I asked what they meant. I didn't. It came out high pitched and nervous. 

"Stupid! Abort now! ABORT!" the voice screamed. I pushed it away. 

"Alex and I are a great couple. Hearing you say about how we had a "fake" relationship. It wasn't true. We're perfect for eachother and this is more than just a fling." I felt heat rise to my face. Was it embarassment that he had confronted me like this? Or was it anger boiling in my cheeks? I couldn't confirm whether it was either, or both. 

"Well..." I said, streatching out the syllable. "I'm glad that you guys figured that out. I never like being wrong, you guys know that but..." I tried for a laugh, to lighten the mood, but it came out shaky and nervous sounding. "Well...I'm glad I was wrong this time. I'm happy for you." 

I was not happy for them. 

Alex and Justin both smiled. Alex turned to Justin and grinned like a lovesick fool, which she is, and he smiled back. He leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head. 

"Well, we have some homework we have to work on. Bye, Cassie. So glad we had this talk," Alex said, spreading her arms out to give me a hug. What was with this girl and hugs? I hugged her back and Justin smiled at me. He waved and they walked away. 

I have no idea what I'm going to do. The next step was to tear down their defenses even further, mentioning their weaknesses at any chance I got. That obviously wasn't going to work, especially after I had been the supportive best friend. 

I can't wait very long, either. I have to wait while their relationship is young and then nip it in the bud. 

Oh Gosh what have I gotten myself into? 

Okay, so...what do you guys think Cassie's gonna do? Let me know in the comments! 


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