Sunday, November 2nd

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Well my parents bought me a whole bunch of on-sale Halloween candy, yesterday. I spent all of yesterday watching reruns of friends and eating candy. 

I'm gonna get fat. 

At church today, things went fine. Normal day. We sang a few hymns together and then had the sermon, with prayer request at the end. I sat next to Justin and Jamie. Jesse didn't sit by us because he plays the guitar up on the stage. So Justin sat between Alex and I. He held hands with her the whole time and I felt jealousy burning in my chest. 

All throughout church, Justin kept turning and smiling at me. After church he gave me a hug and told me we should start hanging out again soon, and that he misses me. 

I could barely contain my heart from popping out of my chest it was fluttering so much. The only thing was, though, that Alex was sitting there the whole time, and when he hugged me and stuff, she seemed fine. 

If anything's going anywhere between me and Justin, then wouldn't Alex be upset about it? 

Maybe she'll be one of those cold, heartless homewreckers. Oh well. This is why I'm doing everything I'm doing anyway. Because I love Justin and hate Alex. 

I really hate Alex. 

The one thing that gets me is that she hasn't said anything about the notes. It's one thing to be glad about this, because it's my plan and all, and I want her and Justin to break up, but Justin's my friend. She shouldn't have any right whatsoever to hurt him. Keeping this a secret is terrible of her. It really does define her character. 

These thoughts define my character. 

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