Sunday, October 26th

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Guess who sang at church this morning? 


I'm supposed to be happy for her. I'm supposed to say that it's great that she is excited enough about her religion that she sang praises for our Lord. 

Well I'm not happy for her. In fact, I'm rather upset. I'd rather her not come in and after one service of church act like she was the choir director. Singing has always been my thing. Everyone knew it. Now this new girl comes sweeping in and suddenly, she sings a song after the choir goes down. 

Justin's mom is the choir director. I know that that has something to do with it, and I'm not happy about it. Since when is church about favoritism? 

Jamie wasn't too happy about it either. She was supposed to sing today, to make up for not being here last week. Well, here comes the thief! 

Alex takes everything. She tried to take Jamie's boyfriend, she took my crush, and she took Jamie's song. She even sang the same song. She came and took my place with my friends. She takes and takes and never gives back. 

I might just be mad. I truly might just be mad. But my anger is enough of a reason to hope that these notes are being kept, that these notes are being kept a secret for a while, but after a while that they resurface and totally ruin her relationship. I have a note wrote already. 

"You don't know everything about Justin. I do, I know things that nobody else knows. - X" 

Maybe I'm acting a bit rash, taking things out on Justin, but it really is his fault that he's caught up in this. This is war, but not a full scale war. Not one where we are openly firing on each other. No, this is a quiet revolution. A very quiet one. This is espionage. People get hurt in war. If Justin's one of those people, then oh well, that's how things work. That's how things work if you want to be in a relationship with the lying, thieving, new girl freak. That's alright though. That's more than fine. 

Because people are going to get hurt, just as bad as I'm hurting now. And I'm healing. I don't even care anymore. Justin is very fair game. 

Words of a BullyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang