Monday, November 10th

11 4 3

I feel my heart beating so fast right now. I can't believe it. Jamie told Justin. Jamie told Justin. This is great. That was the part that I was scared about doing. I was terrified that something about the way that I would have told Justin would have given me away completely. I have been completely relieved of my position. Well, I wasn't there, but I asked Jamie about it on the phone and she said that Justin got really quiet and just nodded. She said that he seemed upset. 

I called Alex. I asked if she had all of the letters. She said that she did, that she wanted to make sure that people would believe her. She said that it would be suspicious if she had "destroyed the evidence." When she asked why, I told her that I was checking because I thought that Justin would get mad if she had destroyed the evidence, and I wanted to see, and to warn her not to. 

I was so hoping that she hadn't, because then she could have just lied to Justin, and said that she was just joking when she told us that. Things are going perfectly. Tomorrow I can't wait to talk to Justin. I'm going to tell him what she did was stupid and unforgivable. Justin is terrible with trust issues. 

I'm excited. 

I'm nervous.

I'm horrible.

I'm awful. 

I'm guilty. 

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