Friday, December 25th: Christmas

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I went to Justin's family for Christmas today. He introduced me to everyone as his girlfriend, and let me tell you, it made me so happy. We went to his grandma's house. Everyone can cook appearantly, because everything tasted good. 

I felt bad because everyone had presents for everyone, including me, but I didn't have anything for anyone. When I told Justin, he said not to worry about it. They didn't expect anything back. 

After we ate dinner, Justin and I sat on the couch in the parlor talking to the rest of his family, mostly his cousins and uncles. 

They all did an abundant amount of teasing, saying I'm a bit too young for him. 

Seriously, am I that short? I'm a month older than Justin. 

I got lots of presents. My parents, my friends, my family, Justin's family, and Justin. 

Justin gave me his present when he was dropping me off to go home. We were in his car, and he pulled up outside my house. Before I could get out of the car, he grabbed my wrist. 

"Wait, I have something for you!" 

I had given him a watch that my mom had helped me pick out. He was wearing it now. 

"Okay," I said with a chuckle. He got out of the car and opened the back seat. When he got back in the drivers seat he held out for me...a journal. 

It's brown, leather bound and on the cover it has my name carved into it. It has a red ribbon for a bookmark, with white hearts on it. It smells like his car. 

"Since I know you write in that one of yours so much. It seemed like it was getting full." 

"You haven't been reading it have you?" I said, throwing him an accusing glare, a playful smile on my lips. 

"Me? Never would I ever!" 

Well my journal is getting full. In fact, this is the last couple of pages. I guess I'll have to fill up the one that Justin gave me. 

About a month ago I wrote that things would never be normal. 

Well now, things are normal. New normal. Good normal. 

Justin and I are great. My life is great. And it's partially because of her. In a way I can thank her. But I'm not going to. I still don't like her. I never did. She's gone now. And things are normal. 

It all turned out okay. 

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