Not me

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Mark POV
"Sean the smart thing to do is call her"
"Yea I guess"
Sean pulled his phone out and called her

Sean POV
I called her I'm not losing her she's special not just because of this Dark made changed her maybe he could reverse what he did. She picked up.

'(Y/N) where are you'
'I told you to stay away from me'
'I'm not losing you'
'S-Sean please I ask you to just stay away from me I don't want you guys to get hurt'
'If I get hurt I know that I'm getting hurt to keep the person I love safe now where are you'
'Ugh an alleyway right off main'
'Don't move we'll be there as fast as we can ok'
'Fine' she hung up

"So where is she" Mark asked
"Off Main in and alley"
"Then let's go"
We were half way there before we were ambushed by.....
Cry and Pews?

Cherry POV
"You heard that boys follow them and make sure they don't get to her got it"
"Got it boss"
"Good go"

I watched as anti-virus and virus ambushed the two holding them back. Leave me and Jimmy ready to talk to her.

"No Stab stab stab got it"
We walked into the alley to hear a scared voice "S-Sean M-Mark?"
"Sorry but nope"
"You're m-"
"Yep but I guess technically you're me"
"Why are you here"
"I'm waiting for Sean and Mark"
"How long"
"Hour and a half at most"
"Who's he?"
"Oh he's Jimmy Casket don't worry about him"
"Look I don't think there coming sweetie"
"Why do you say that" I could see I angered her a little
"You've been waiting don't you think they would have been here by now"
"There on there way I know they are"
"Sweetie you want to stay like this?"
"Like what"
"Stuck not knowing if you can control your powers confused on why this happened"
"No I don't but I know I can learn"
"You may but that's gonna take time I can help you if you want"
"Yea you just have to do one thing"
"Ok what is it"
"Just relax" I put a sleeping spell over her

"That was easier that I thought" Jimmy said
"Yep" with my powers I took over my old body
"home sweet home"
"Now what?" He asked
"Now I'm gonna do my job in this then when that's done I'll head back to the hideout and finish up there and then everything will change"
"Ok what about me"
"You my killing friend are in charge"
"Really" Jimmy said with a grin walking towards me
"Yep" we were so close he leaned in and kissed me. Of course I kissed back. Damn he is good at kissing. We went for a solid minute we broke it I told him.

"There's your goodbye kiss now go anti-virus and virus can't hold them forever"
"Ok but your staying like this"
"No I'm letting this kid wake up when you leave now go"
"Okay Okay"
He left I let the kid take control again changing the memory to look like a dream.

Then I head them
She woke up

(Edited December 23, 2016)

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