All bull

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Hey guys this is going in all two stories an it's January 5 so Yami is be accused form lies said by a girl who seeks attention all is bull Yami had mad bad decisions and he has always came clean and apologize it's pointless for her to keep trying and hurting his reputation in both his life and YouTube community. An one YouTuber has made a video already accusing him that he did this note that this YouTuber uploaded this video before Yami's saying his side and I honestly think that if you guys have heard or haven't bony accuse him until you have seen his video because he has explained what's going to happen. I'm to see that this had happened to him and it's true that people lie and do things for attention but for this girl to do this to him it's to far. I hope this ends for him and that all of lies here will eventually be told and she will come clean

~December Ruby
aka. Creepy_Girl16

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