"Whats going on?"

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Hey guys! This is a new Auslly story I'm trying out! I hope you like it!!!

||||||||||| "What's going on?" ||||||||||||||||

Ally's Pov

"Hi dad, do you need help putting those guitars in storage?" I asked, picking up the guitars

"Um yea, but leave them for now ok?"
He said with worry... usually he always makes me do work, he is way to cheap to hire any one else, or do the Work himself... something is up...

"Ok, but are you ok? You seem worried. You always need my help!" I said

"Well I need to tell you something..." My dad replied out of the blue

"What is it?" I asked with worry knowing my dad usually never uses this tone unless something major is happening

"Let's go in the practice room first... So it's more private"

"Dad, what's wrong" I asked as I walked upstairs into the practice room sitting down...

"Well honey, I um have a second job, besides this store... " he replied sitting in front of me.

"Yea I know, being my father... Dad you always say that and I know it's hard to be a parent but Im a good kid! I will always help you! If you need something just tell me!" I started babbling on.

" um actually Ally this is a different job, I know you always wonder why I'm not around at certain times and the truth is that I am also a um... A spy, for the, the government... But I was sworn to secrecy not to tell you but now I have to tell you because our family is wanted and I am taking you home to pack and then your going in hiding until things get better" he said with tears in his eyes

"Your joking right!?! Is this a late April fools joke?" I asked chuckling

"No Ally, this is real. I'm sorry pumpkin... Your mom already took off To her location, we are going to all split off in different places for a little while"

"For how long?" I asked slightly crying yet still unsure

"I don't know, until the issue is resolved" he said standing up... Then we walked out and got in the car driving to our house

"You have 30 minutes until we have to go..." My dad yelled after I made it to the top of the stairs

"30 minutes? How am I supposed to say bye to everyone" I asked

"You can't! They can't know, it's a secret... But it's going to be ok... Now go pack, a suitcase and small bag, pack clothes for all climates"

"What about Trish? She's my best friend?"

"We took care of it." He replied

"What!? How?"

"Don't worry about that, go pack!"

"Ok" I said crying trying to think of a way out of this as I ran up to my room...

Than I grabbed my giant red hello kitty suitcase and put as much clothes as I could fit... Then I grabbed my Vera Bradley duffle bag and threw my silver sparkle converse, a pair of light blue wedges, a pair of pink wedges,
A pair of Nike tennis shoes and some combat boots. Next I ran to my bath room and grabbed my make-up caboodle with a few makeup products inside and I grabbed my tooth brush and tooth paste and a bottle of pain meds.
Also, I grabbed the fluffy blanket on my bed and my zebra pillow pet my best friend Trish got me from the Animal print store and threw everything in my bags... I then went to my desk taking my scrap book, a few writing utensils and a few picture frames I had, placing everything inside my luggage...
Finally, I grabbed my brown leather cross body bag which had my wallet with money and my phone and went to the car...

"Got everything?" My dad asks

"I think so.." I said starting to get into the car "actually, my song book is at sonic boom still In the practice room, can I please go get it? Please!!! I need it!" I begged my dad as tears formed in my eyes

"Sure" he replied starting the engine

"Um do you have any questions about anything Ally?"

"how will I eat if I'm deep in a basement underground?" I asked

"We have that taken care of, and I made sure there are pickles... Now it's all going to be ok..." My father Lester said turning off our street... And heading towards sonic boom

"Ok, Well what about electricity and running water? Is it there? Can I take showers?" I asked with worry because I am a stickler for personal hygiene

"Yep, we took  care of everything,
I know it's scary but just be brave... We have you protected and I'm not going to let you get hurt" he said pulling into sonic boom "now stay in the car, and wear these sunglasses and this hat while I get your book" he said while running in and then returning with my book and a bag that looked like a present

"Thanks dad, but don't touch my book" I told him snatching my book from his hands and placing it in my purse. partially it's a joke because I let no one touch my book except him today but he isn't even allowed to open it and I always say 'don't touch my book', my friend Trish says it's my catchphrase

"Ok, but before she left, your mom and I wrote you a little message inside And I got you something" he said handing me the mint chevron gift bag

"Thanks, but you didn't have to!" I said hugging him

"Oh, but I know you need this..."

Then I removed the white tissue paper revealing a new minty blue colored iPod nano

"Dad, thanks! But you didn't have to get me this, I have my iPhone"

"Well sweetie, with the iPhone they can track your location, With this we disabled the tracking device, it's just for music... I already added all your songs plus more too! I figured you love music and now you can still have it, but I need your phone"

"Please, I need my phone! How will I contact you?" I cried

"Honey it's for your safety"

"But I need my phone!" I said sighing before handing over my phone

"I'm going to miss you but please Listen to officer Luke, he will protect you and Austin"

"Wait? What? Who's officer Luke, and who is Austin?" I asked confused as we pull into a military base with a jet ready to fly off...

"Oh officer Luke will be helping you approach your distinction... He works with the secret agent society and is a top officer... He is about thirty and his wife Julia will be with you too helping you to safety"

"Ok but who's Austin?" I asked confused

"Ohh, um I must have forgot a minor detail.... Austin will be living with you as well, he is in danger too, but don't worry it's just The two of you... And you both are 16!"

Hey guys! Here's the first chapter! This book is going to be short, just a few chapters I think but I thought it was a cool idea!!!

Please comment: what should happen next?

Also do you guys like short or long chapters? What's a good length?

Remember to VOTE!!!!!

Thanks guys!!! 😀


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