"So Let's Run Away"

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(Quick Authors Note: every chapter I will try and pick a song and even a picture to match so the other chapters may be updated soon if they don't have a song or a picture. Enjoy!)
(Also, there are three different Pov's in this chapter so look out for that!)

Ally's Pov

"So what do you think?" John asked, confirming me with an escape plan to get out of this place

"I still think we are safe... I don't know if running away can solve this problem."  I said. "You know, they always say, you can't run away from your problems. Aren't the people just going to notice we're gone and create a search party"

"Ally, we have to break out of here, it's our only chance. Believe it or not, I do trust John, even if he lied to you. I don't think he'd go through all this just to put you and I, or even himself in danger unless he cared" Austin said.

"I don't know guys" I replied, second guessing the plans the guys created

"Is this about trusting John?" Austin whispered in my ear quietly

"A little" I said truthfully

"Hey John, could we have a second" Austin asked, telling John to leave the room and give us some privacy

"Yea sure" he said walking toward the other end of the room.

"Ally, we have got to trust that he wants to help us. Please, at least trust me" Austin said as he sat across from me, his hands placed on my shoulders for reassurance

"Austin" I whispered. "How can you trust him after what I told you. You even said he was a jerk"

"I know I said that but he's smart and likes you regardless of the past. Please, come runaway with me. It's our chance to break free into normalcy"

"Fine. But I choose you as my partner and protector, since you said that's what your here for..." I replied

"Deal" Austin replied, pulling me in for a long lasting hug but unfortunately John came in, ruining the moment once again

"Hey guys, so are we leaving? We have to be ready to go"

"Yea" I said glancing at Austin. "I'm ready to go"

"Great. Pack up the essentials and let's bounce" John said, pretending to be an 80's rapper! Lol!

"Ally." Austin whispered in my ear. "I got your back. I won't let him even try to hurt you. I'll get him, before he gets either of us. Promise" Austin finished before grabbing his bag and packing all he could into it.


"Come on guys, this way" John whispered through the Hallway as we carried our backpacks as quiet as possible, weaving through the different rooms

"Shhhhhh. Wait! stay here. They are up... Let me go distract them. Their in the kitchen. When I say 'I'm just looking for my father', then go straight and make a right at the end, then go down that hallway until you find the door that says garage... Then hide in the garage until I come in..." John directed

"Ok" Austin and I answered, giving John the thumbs up as he walked away...

John's Pov
(Convo btw John and Julia)

HideAway (an Auslly fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora