Problems and Pools

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Austin's POV

So after Ally delivered the news to me about basically being bankrupt, I honestly feel so bad. No mater what she's told me in the past. Like telling me to pretend I don't know her, or that she doesn't need money, I feel awful. After that moment, my world came crumbling down, because she's one of my really close friends, and yet I didn't even know. I thought she was just cutting class or doing something bad, when in reality, she had to skip school to go to work so that she can support herself.

Also, after she left and I went back to chemistry, our teacher Mrs. O'Malley gave me a detention because she said I was gone to long. Ugh! That women! Whatever. I'll show her on the exam that I'm smart.

"Ok class, you have forty minutes for your exam. If you have a note card, please get it now. Also, use a pencil and you can get a calculator" Mrs. O'Malley (the chemistry teacher) said, beginning to explain the instructions.

"Dang it!" Ally whispered.

"What's wrong?" I whispered back.

"I forgot to make a note card. I was so busy with work, I didn't get home until midnight. Ughhh"

"Use mine" I responded, handing mine to her, since I know this unit pretty well.

"I can't do that"

"Ally, its fine. I've been studying for days"

"Austin, I can't. You made, you use it. Plus your grade is probably really low in here"  Ouch, why don't you just call me stupid to my face I thought to myself

"I don't even need it. I know everything I wrote down. Please, use it, I won't" I reassured, proving to my teacher, Ally and myself that I'm smart.

"Is Mr. Moon bothering you Mrs. Dawson?" Mrs. O'Malley asked.

"No. I was just um, lending him a pencil. His broke"

"Mr. Moon." Mrs O'Malley sighed "Always unprepared. Well, don't forget about that detention you have to serve Monday after school since your were skipping my class... But Anyways, here are the exams. You may begin, and good luck." Mrs. O'Malley repeated.

I swear, that women makes it her life goal to embarrass me in front of the class.

Like, go ahead, announce that I got detention, it's not embarrassing or anything.

I wonder if she's jealous of my life. But then again, who isn't.

-----(after the exam)-----

"Ok, time is up. Please hand in your tests. I will grade them and report your grades to you tomorrow. You are dismissed to leave a few minutes early if you please." Mrs O'Malley informed. "Just don't cause shenanigans in the halls" 

Ugh, I hate her. She's my least favorite teacher ever.

"So, how do you think you did?" I asked Ally as we left the classroom.

"Thanks to your notecard, I think I did ok. I didn't finish the last question though. I only got half way through it. I would have failed without your help. How do you think you did?"

"I felt really confident. I was the first one done and I checked all my answers. There were only a few I didn't know" I feel like Ally's given me some of her smarticle particles

"Cool. So what have I missed in gym?" Ally asked as we continued to walk down the hall.

"We've been swimming. Today is actually our last day of swimming , so it's our "exam" day. First we have a quiz on pool safety and swim strokes. Then we 'compete' in a race" I told her

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2017 ⏰

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