Weeks and Working

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/////weeks and Working//////

Austin's Pov

It's been a week now since Ally and I have been back...

Overall, it's been a weird experience.

Like she promised, we haven't really talked. When we pass each other in the hallway, we do say "hi", "hey" or a casual "what's up", but besides that we don't speak. Even in chemistry and gym, both classes we have together, we don't talk.

I guess we never really chatted before the "trip", but still. I would think since stuff had changed, we would at least still keep in touch a bit. I mean, we had some special memories. But whatever.

Moving on from that, the day I came back, everyone asked where I was, or what I was doing.

I told them what I told Ally in the car when she asked me... I told her I would say I was working on my music career and improving voice.

They all believed me since I had posted a few YouTube videos and even released two singles on iTunes, all of which lead to the "fame" I gained.
As a result, many people I've never even seen in my life suddenly want to be friends.

Of course I'll be nice and tell them what they want, but I'm not their friends. Not most of them anyways.

They just want a twitter or Instagram shoutout however they didn't care about that until my video "heart beat" got over 5 million views. Or until I reached over a million subscribers on YouTube, or 3 million on Instagram, they didn't care about me before. But now they do. The girls especially come up to me and always flirt or hint about dates. Other kids ask if they could download my singles from iTunes for free. Obviously I say NO. I can't even get a free download.

With school, I've actually managed to catch up for the most part. I've been going in for lunch, coming in early, and even staying after school to manage my grades, cause my mom said if my grades are low, I can't continue with my music. I've been studying like a maniac to catch up, and surprisingly I'm doing ok. The only class I need to catch up in is gym, but I'm an excellent athlete.

Talking about school, Ally was a nerd, but I haven't seen her in chemistry or gym for the past two days. Usually she'd never cut class. I know she's not sick because I'll see her in the morning, and I know she didn't drop out of Chem because she is still on the attendance list. It's almost like our roles reversed. It seems like I'm more concerned about school than she is.

So that's basically a recap of what happened after our return...

Oh, I forgot to tell you... a positive thing is that John is letting me buy the car from him. He told his dad he was "sick of it" and now drives a new self driving Model X Tesla... what a brat... he gets whatever he wants whenever he wants. But I can't complaint. I got to purchase his basically new deluxe 2015 Dodge Challenger for only $4,000, which is crazy cheap for a used car. Especially for that car. And I had the money from all the views and downloads I've been getting of my songs, so I can't complain.


"Ok class, tomorrow be prepared. As I told you two weeks ago, tomorrow will be your end of the quarter exam. It is 25% of your grade. I am allowing you to create a cheat cheat notecard. You may put any content on your card and you can use the front and back of it. I suggest planning out what you really need, because any content from your book and notes we have covered so far is fair game for the exam. For the rest of the period, you may prepare for your exam tomorrow. If you have any questions, please ask me now and I will help you. Also, you can study with a partner or alone." Mrs. O'Mally, the chemistry teacher stated.

"Hey Ally, wanna study with me?" I whispered even though I haven't spoken much to her.

"Um. I would but I have to go talk to Mrs. O'Mally. Sorry." She said packing up her stuff and walking up front to the teachers desk. Then, after their discussion, Ally left the classroom.

"Hey, Mrs O'Mally. Would it be alright if I got a drink of water at the drinking fountain?"

"Sure, but don't take to long"

"Thanks" I said, walking out the class and down the hall, following a certain Brunette.

"Ally! Wait up" I called out

"What do you want?" she asked

"Where are you going?" I questioned as she began walking away.

"To my locker"

"Why?" To meet some guy, I thought to myself

"I have to get some stuff"

"What kind of stuff? What are hiding Ally?" Is she doing drugs?

"Nothing of your concern"

"Actually, it is my concern. As much as you hate to admit it, I am your friend. Maybe you don't care about me, but I care about you, a lot. I just want to know why you haven't been in class. It's not like you to skip. Maybe I'm worried"

"Look, I've been collecting assignments and finishing absent work"

"Your such a liar! We've been back for almost two weeks! You really want me to believe that! I managed to catch up and I'm half the student you are! I know you pretty well! We spent a lot of time together in that car and at that place, so STOP lying!"

"Fine!" She yelled as she opened her locker and then turned to me. "I haven't been in class because I've been working!"

"Working on what?"

"No. I'm working. I got a job. At Mini's"

"Why? You work at sonic boom."

"Well yeah, but not for long. Since both my dad and I were gone for some time, the shop was closed all that time. My friend Trish took over for a few days, but I need to pay the bills and I don't have a lot of money. I took all my savings for the 'trip' and I only have a few hundred. So I'm working at Mini's and the frozen yogurt shop to cover the  bills for Sonic Boom."

"Wait, your working at both places?"

"Yea, I told you. I have bills to pay, plus I need food. And Sonic Boom is my home. If I loose it, I'm homeless." Ally said, holding back tears.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped you. I can help you. I have money if you need to pay bills. And I'm sure my parent won't mind if you move in with us"

"Austin, as much as I appreciate the offer, I can't take your money. Sorry, but I have to leave for work. That's why I've been leaving early, I've been skipping chemistry and gym so that I can get more hours at work"

"Ally" I sighed

"I'll see you later. Just know I wasn't ignoring you whenever you wanted to hang out or study. In fact as much as I tried to ignore you, I was missing you, but I couldn't do anything about it because I was always working. I always am working"

"If you need anything, I can help you. Just let me kn-"

"-I know. It's all good. Thanks" she said softly, waving goodbye.

Well that was unexpected.

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-Tika 💡

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