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||||||||||||"involved?" |||||||||||

(Not edited)

(A/N: in many instances, if I post a song, it's just to set the mood of a chapter. This song is playing in the car in the background for this story)

Ally's Pov

"Austin, why are we headed north?" I asked slightly confused after waking up from a short nap.

"How do YOU know what direction we're headed in?"

"Because I'm staring right at the phone with GPS map on it. That's not the way home" I said irritated.

"Chill Al-Pal, we're taking a quick detour" he said glancing over at me, removing the black ray bands that sit on the top of his head, as he probably just released it's almost midnight and pitch black out. 

"Please don't call me Al-Pal and also-"

"Why can't I call you Al-pal?" He said cutting me off, almost as if he was upset

"I don't know, I just don't like, it sounds...  like we're involved" I said, and the second those words came out of my mouth, I regretted every moment of it.

"Involved?" He said, raising his eyebrows. And that stupid smirk. Ughh

"Just forget it" I sighed, not in the mood to argue. Then, I glanced over at him and noticed the bags forming under his eyes. "Austin, Aren't you tired? You can pull over if you want. Take a rest. Heck, I can drive."

"No, I'm not tired and if I was tired, I would NOT let you drive, your aren't a licensed driver." He said proudly, probably just to rub it in my face. "Plus we can't pull over, not here" he said with fear as he hit the accelerator, zooming faster, while looking out the windows of the car.

"Well What's wrong?" I questioned, confused because he was acting like we were in sudden danger. I looked in the rear view mirror to see nothing. Not a single car. And on both sides of the car; dessert sand and empty fields, which did possess a creepy vibe, but I wasn't frightened or anything. I was content, but he was not.

"Nothing's, nothing's wrong" he said with uncertainty

"You sure?" I raised my eyebrows slightly amused, not believing a word out of this boys mouth.

"It's all good" he said taking a deep breath, clenching tighter onto the steering wheel.

"Austin, if your hidding something from me than I'm getting out and going home on my own, because I can sense something isn't right and I want to know if-"

"Al" he said cutting me off. "It's all fine. I do have to tell you something, just not until we reach our stop" he said glancing at the GPS. "I need to focus" he mumbled under his breath

"And where might "our stop" be?" I asked, getting angry that he knows something I don't. I mean, a few hours ago he read some really personal entries and saw drawings/photos in my journal, yet he can't tell me something... ughhh boys

"Please relax. Trust me"

"But -" I started

"Al-pal" he said glancing at me sternly, kind of like my dad would when I would make a mistake at work or try to hide something.

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