More Bickering and Phone Calls

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while
(((Not edited)))
////more bickering and phone calls///

Austin's Pov

"So your telling me, that you knew she wasn't back there and you didn't say anything?" John yelled after taking a huge U-turn back into the city (Vegas)

"Um, I just noticed now, I guess, plus you know I'm drunk, which is your fault" I stated

"How is it my fault, you choose your life, you played. I didn't force you"

"B.S.!" I called. "You manipulated me into playing, I just wanted to win the money so that Ally could be happy. I was doing it for her but I shouldn't have played your stupid drinking version"

"That's not the only thing that drugged you" John stated, lowering his tone

"What do you mean?" I questioned

"I mean, the lotus flowers..."


"The flower dessert that was passed around, those have a special ingredient, a drug additive that makes you want to keep gambling and waist your money" John stated

"And you couldn't have told me?" I yelled


"No, your not! Let's just get out of here and find Ally. Is her backpack still in the trunk?"

"Why does that matter?" John asked

"Because, maybe she left somewhere! Plus, her phone is in there. The one you gave her, we can just track it down"

"I don't know how to do that" John replied

"Well I do..." I said, grabbing the phone and entering the data to find Ally...

"Initializing location?" John read off the phone screen. "How do we know it's right?"

"It's worth a shot" I said, waiting for a location and one finally popped up

"Phoenix? Arizona! How?" John yelled

"I don't know, why are you yelling at me"

"I'm not! It's just I want to go home! Ugh!"

"Then leave!" I yelled

"I can't!"

"Why not?"

"Cause, this is my fault ally's gone, I shouldn't have even suggested stopping in Vegas"

"You right" I shrugged, receiving a death glare. "But we don't have time to dwell on mistakes. Let's give her a text or call and pull up a route to get there" I stated calmly

"Your right" John huffed

"I'll give her a ring" I stated as John started the car again...

FaceTime conversation:

"Hello? Ally?" I asked once the phone connected to a screen and I saw ally's face pop up

"Oh, Austin, hi" she said quietly

"Well where are you?" I blurted

"What?" She asked

"Where are you? Are you alright?" I questioned

"Um yea, I'm good, I'm in Phoenix"

"You didn't get kidnapped, did you?"

"Oh no, no. I was waiting in the car and you guys didn't come out for hours and so I walked to a bus station, collected fares and took a bus here. Now I'm going to collect more money to get another bus"

"How are you getting money?" I asked worriedly

"Well I found twenty three dollars on the ground... Then the rest I've been fundraising. I've been signing and got about one hundred from that, then a nice old women gave me two hundred bucks for no reason. She said I looked like I needed it and I told her I didn't but she slipped it in my backpack as we were talking and I just found it about an hour ago with a note attached. So I have about four hundred bucks now"

"Ally, we were so worried!"

"Don't be, I'm fine here"

"No, stay in Phoenix, we'll be there in a few hours. Just stay safe. Please. We need to stick together"

"Fine. But get here fast"


"Because, I don't want to wait around long" she said with sarcasm

"Alright. Be there soon. Please stay there" I commanded

"Ok. See ya" she said, then hung up

"How many more hours?" I asked John

"Um, I think just three more"

"For real? You want me to drive?" I asked John

"Nope, this is my car and I love her"

"Again, acting like your car is a girl"

"Your just jealous" John replied

"And your just spoiled" I replied back

"Ok then, get out" John said slowing the car down on the country dirt road


"Get out"


"Because you called me spoiled. Now get out Austin!"

"No! Not until you get ally at least"

"Fine." John said, accelerating the car up to eighty miles per hour

Hey guys! I know I haven't updated since when, august? I'm so sorry!

Please forgive me! I've been busy with this thing called college and it's super stressful but it'll be ok. And dance is starting up soon! Yaaaa!!!

How's school going for y'all?

Comment and like please!

Love you guys!!!!

-Tika 💃

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