"The Truth Of The Matter"

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||||||The Truth of the Matter||||||||||

(Not edited (yet) so sorry for any mistakes! I've been busy)

Also, any time there is a song or YouTube video, I usually just post songs that match to part of the chapter, sometimes they are uncommon,
Sometimes they are popular, I just love
Music so if anyone has any new suggestions, let me know ;)

Ally's POV

"Austin, I need answers" I repeated

"Ok, yeesh, I heard you the first time"

"This isn't funny!"

"I don't know, I'm pretty entertained"

"You would be" I grunted

"Ok, I'll tell you. We can't return home."

"What?" I said, my eyes about to pop out of my head.

"John said they are at Miami, they are looking for us around sounding states too, all over really"

"But why? It was just a TV show, right?"

"That's what I thought, but I think there's more"

"I swear, if you are shitting with me Austin Moon, I will never forgive you. Ever"

"Wow, did the Ally Dawson just swear? I'm impressed"

"Austin!" I said annoyed. "This isn't funny. What's going on?"

"Were are going to be hanging in Colorado for a bit. At least Until things calm down. I've been texting John and he's trying to knock some sense into his parents and the production team. To stop this whole crazy thing and let us return to normalcy"

"It won't happen"

"What won't?" Austin said, pulling into a parking lot, then parking in the back and turning the car off.

"Returning home. Returning normal. Returning in general. John convincing them that we aren't interesting people and that we will never be together in the way that they hope. John is not going to be able to stop them. You know, I wish they wouldn't be so interested is us."

"I'm confused" Austin says unbuckling his seat belt and turning toward me.

"You know that if we do return home, everyone will be coming up to us, asking where we were, especially to you. I saw you on your twitter the other day and you have like 30,000 followers now. You may act like a nobody but you are a somebody Austin. The school cares about where you went and your disappearance. Also, if we return back at the same time, someone's going to figure out we were with one another" I said, then took a deep breathe.
"I know I acted like I didn't know of you the first time we meet, after being taken away but the truth is, I knew of you, and not just because of Dez. Your pretty popular Austin. When Most of the girls around school aren't fan-girling over John or the football team, they are talking about you. When you hit senior year, you will for sure be the most popular person in school. You'll win all the rewards and I'll still just be little old me"

"Ally, what are you even saying. We were talking about going home and your bringing up my growing 'popularity'? I don't want to be popular Ally, but trust me when I say I'll get us home. Just imagine we are taking a little detour, a scenic route. Plus, my mission isn't complete"

"Please don't bring up the mission garbage" Ally groaned

"Why, what's so wrong with a guy wanting to help his best friend achieve her Bucket list?"

"Austin, I told you that you don't have to do that" I replied, while also replaying the word 'best friend' in my head.

"Yea that's true, but did I tell you that I want to do that" he said looking at me in my eyes.

"I don't recall" I rolled my eyes. Annoyed her impressed by his compassion.

"Well listen closely" he said scouting closer to me in his seat of the car. "Since we can't go home for now, we are going to cross some of your dreams off. What do you want to do tomorrow?"

"I don't know. You have money?" I asked

"Yea, why?"

"I think I should redo my hair, hell maybe get a new look."

"Where did that spontaneous thought come from, Al-pal?" He questioned while grabbing a piece of my hair and pushing it behind my ear...

Emotions alert; that feeling in my chest is back and I can feel a light blush forming on my cheeks

"I like your hair" he said. "It's soft and smells good, even though you haven't showered for a few days" he chuckled...

"Neither have you" I retorted. Yet, he smells pretty good himself, and that puts me into another one of my random thoughts:

I don't get this nor do I know how to handle these feelings; it's to much. It's almost as if I'm finally comfortable. With who, or what you may ask. Well with myself, with him. I don't really know yet. I guess I'm beginning to loose my 'well what would they say or think if I did this approach' and suddenly, I just want to do my own thing, without anything or anyone's opinion, I feel free. I feel like me. And more important; that it's ok to be just me.

"Ally? Ally! Al-pal?" He said shaking my body lightly, each of his hands delicately holding onto my shoulders

"What!?" I snapped, unaware that I was in another daze.

"So why!???" He groaned, with curiosity in his voice.

"Why what?"

"Why do you want to change your hair, and how do you want to change it?" He asked with a hint of concern because normally, I'm not one for change. I usually hate change so much that I've been using the same color coordinating system for each subject in school since 4th grade.

"I was thinking some highlights, Trish always told me if I would highlight my hair, my facial features would stand out and I figure it could give me a partial disguise and a change of look."

"Hmmm" he said looking at me, probably trying to picture me with a new look. "If you want to. Just Don't force others who force you to be something your not"

"I don't. I think I want to"

"That doesn't sound reassuring, but whatever you choose, it should be fine. W'ell go first thing tomorrow morning" he said uneasy

"Really?" I said shocked

"Yep. John left a ton of money behind. Might as well use it. I'll take you out tomorrow. Buy you anything you want" he said... WAIT... is this a date???? He said 'I'll take you out tomorrow.' Is it a date? Ugh I don't know.

"What do you say, Al-pal?" He asks, bringing the friendly vibes back.

"Um what did you ask"

"If your down with the mall tomorrow"

"I'm down"

"Sweet, good night. Al-pal" he smirked. Then he reclined his chair (because we are still in the car).

"Night, moon" I said, upset that I still can't think of a Witty nickname for him.


Hey guys!

I just wanted to say Thanks for all of those who vote and comment! I really appreciate it ;)

-Tika 🎞

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